I was wondering if anyone else had this done. I am 38 weeks, 3cm dialated, and 70% effaced. My dr gave me a sweep yesterday, do you think it'll jumpstart my labor soon?
The first time I had it done it didn't work, 3 days later I had it done again and went into labor and hour later. It will only work if your body is ready. Good luck.
Thanks! My dr was pretty confident that it would work. Since I dialated 1 cm and effaced 20% in 6 days. I generally have rapid labor, I am so anxious now!
I'm 38weeks tomorrow .. Thursday I was 1.5 cm dilated n 80% effaced. Hopefully I've progressed more but I wont know till tomorrow .. also when I'm going to ask to have mymembranes stripped [-O<
I didn't even have to ask! When she checked me I noticed it hurt a little more and then I asked her how far along I had to be for her to do it and she said Oh I just did! And then told me to go home and put my suitcase in my truck! Lol!
Haha I hope my doctor will I'm ftm n don't know policies of the hospital so I'm hoping for the best!! Fingers crossed!! %%- BTW have you had any signs yet??
Well yeah. I had 2 hours of really painful contractions on Tuesday morning. They were 5 mins apart. I thought it was the real thing and then.... nothing. I went yesterday to get checked because the baby wasn't moving as much. But everything was fine. I lost my plug a week and a half ago. Still losing peices of it. I have a lot of braxton hicks contractions too. Do you have any signs?
I haven't got my memebranes stripped.. I am tomorrow. I have contractions but they always stop I think I've lost all my plug cause I was loosing it rapidly then all of a sudden none.. so hopefully tomorrow after getting my membranes stripped ill go in labor!!!! Fingers and toes crossed!
@jay_brad did your sweep work? Mine last week didn't I had another yesterday. I don't think it'll work either. My dr said his head was turned all wrong. It is wedged between my bones. Anyway I'm goin in on Friday to get induced.
@mrr2114 I didn't get my membranes swept.. my doctor gave me an induction date instead.. which is tomorrow morning \:D/ I went in for my visit that day to ask about getting them stripped and she asked if I wanted to be induced before I could ask.. I was so overjoyed I forgot all about the membrane sweep.
I have contractions but they always stop I think I've lost all my plug cause I was loosing it rapidly then all of a sudden none.. so hopefully tomorrow after getting my membranes stripped ill go in labor!!!! Fingers and toes crossed!
I went in for my visit that day to ask about getting them stripped and she asked if I wanted to be induced before I could ask.. I was so overjoyed I forgot all about the membrane sweep.