I am so over my doctor

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
I went to the doctor on Monday. I am currently 36 weeks+ 4 days. The only thing my doctor did at my appointment was measure my uterus and the GSB test. I had to actually ask her if she would check and see if I had dialated. Which I had! Go figure!!! This chick didn't even both to schedule another appointment for me. She said if I don't have my daughter in the next two weeks we can schedule an appointment then. Who does that? I have NEVER heard of such foolishness before. SMH.


  • WHAT?! :O that's messed up. talk about a lazy doctor!
    my doc sucks... i was due yesterday and my doc wont check me or ANYthing until i am in active labor. i am super ticked. but at least i have an appt for next week....smh
  • @survivormommie3, Yes ma'am it is definitely crazy! I am almost convinced that my doctor must be smoking crack or something. With my last pregnancy I was seen every week by the time I reached 36 weeks. Before Monday I hadn't had an appointment in a month. These military doctors suck butt! Why wouldn't your doctor check you?
  • she keeps going on about bs saying :risk of infection." i get that there is a risk...but at 40 wks u wont even check? and not until ACTIVE labor?!?!? i wanted to know if i am dilated because i have to drive 1 hr to get to the hospital. with my son i was 4 cm by 36 wk and my doc (same clinic) was preaching to me i might want to consider staying in a hotel. stupid!
  • Wow!!!! That is so crazy!
  • Omg! Military doc I take it?
  • @mandac 10, absolutely!!!! LOL
  • @mandac10, I'm assuming that you've had some experience with them.
  • Lol! I tell every woman I meet to switch to standard and get a civilian doc as soon as try get pregnant! I love my doc he's wonderful! Im sorry ur going through all that. I learnt the hard way with military obgyns when I MC last year. They made me feel horrible! Was the worse thing I ever went through and I was treated like scum! Never for a pregnancy will I deal with mil docs...
  • Idk if they are 100% free not worth it. I only have to pay less then 200 out of pocket! Well worth it...
  • I really wish I would've known ahead of time how much they suck. I'm down to the wire now & I just want this whole experience to be over. I can only imagine how actual labor is going to be dealing with their crap.
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