Having contractions since midnight...

edited September 2011 in Labor
Now its 4:30 am. Theyre irregular, but strong and lasting about 2 minutes each. Should I go to l&d or wait it out?


  • Id say wait until you can time them, but if your at all concerned call l&d they'll know best :-) lots of luck
  • Thank you @lyndsay1983. Right now there about 7 mins apart but lasting about 2 minutes. Maybe I will call l&d.
  • Yeah give them a call, even if you dont go in at least you can get reassurance and they will know your possibly coming in soon. Now some contractions my way :-)
  • I've been having mild contractions since around 8 last night. When I called l&d they told me that unless I can time them for 2 hrs, 5 mins apart or bloody show or water breaking that it isn't time to go in. Idk how your l&d is though. But generally I think the rule is 511. 5 minutes apart, 1 minute long for at least 1 hour.
  • Good luck!! :)
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