I need your oinion (NPR) plz i need answers a lil confused
So here it goes my husband and me have been togethersince 2005 and when me and him hoked up he had a baby and the mom was living with him and well let's jst say he left his baby mamma for me well all 2005 thru 2010 me and her hated eachothers gut me cause when hewould try to se his daughter she said u chose her be with her and leave my daughter alon bla bla bla and I understnd of corse but still I had to be on te hubby side ok so any ways in aug of 2010 she really needed help I offered to babysit and well she agreed and we became realy good friends and really close I mean we were kinda like bf now is that weird I mean she has her man and all we go shopping she ask for advice u know like ifthe past never happened but when ppl ask o how do you guys know eachother we tell them andthey give us these weird look like wow and then tell me keep ur friends close but ur enemies closer andim al it is not even like that idk is it weird is it bad that me and her are soo cool idk just wondering what do y'all think ot that it would change the fact thbat me and her are cool but id like to know