So upset!!! Drs just dont care anymore these days!!!!

I am possibly having another mc just an earlier one. I asked drs If they could give me anything or do anything to prevent me from having a mc. They said no. This will be my second one in two months.. I've seen so many stories on here where it sounds like drs don't care. Makes me so mad seeing these situations. Do any of you ladies know of anything drs can do to prevent a mc or I could be completly wrong.


  • I've never heard of anything that can be done to prevent an early mc ... how far along are you? Im sorry your going through this i wish you the best of luck
  • I am a lttle over four weeks last time I was about nine weeks.
  • Crinone. Its progesterone that you squeeze into your vagina to help keep your levels up to prevent miscarriage, but once you start miscarrying im not sure if anything can be done.
  • Did they say youre miscarrying? :( tell them you need progesterone. Or maybe wait a bit longer before trying again. But when you try, see if they can get you on progesterone. It may help that baby stick.
  • Sadly there really isn't anything they can do to stop an early miscarrage. Some woman are diagnosed with low progesterin (spelling?) Levels and can take something to up them to help a pregnancy stick but it isn't a garrantee.
    Ask to be tested for your levels and if low see if there is something you can take to help now or future pregnancies.
  • I am def going to look into that and see if they could test my progesterone levels and see if they could see if my levels are too low that will be first thing I will talk to them about.
  • It really stinks though. Me and hubby been praying for a baby and no mc and the opposite happens to us. I really believe God has showed us we will have another baby one day!!!! I know he puts those desires in my heart. I try to say God if this is not of you take it away. That desire just will not go away. Ill just have to put it In his hands.
  • I do know I can't place my desires before him.
  • That is why everyone tries to make it to the safe stage 12w because they can do more to 2t to prevent a miscarriage sorry your going thru this but it sounds like it could have been a chemical pregnancy maybe?
  • Yep that's what I think it was a chemical pregnancy.
  • Are you positive your having a miscarriage or are you just more cautious since you had you recently??? Maybe if Dr say you haven't had a miscarriage you could still get the progesterone... hope it works out for you!!!
  • Nothing can prevent a mc. I know its hard. I lost two. Now I'm in a hospital bed with my beautiful baby girl. Have faith.
  • @MyBabe It seems to me like another mc because on Monday I had a very faint line but tues still had faint line a tiny bit darker but then I had red blood with a tiny clot maybe the size of a tip of a cotton swab. Nothing Wed a little red blood yest mostly brown blood though. Unable to go to dr because of no insurance chp took me off because of mc. Can't reapply for thirty days. Tested this morning line still there but faint. It showed up a little better. Not sure what to believe with my body right now. Just have to wait it out. Wouldn't the line be gone if it was chemical? Thanks!!!!
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  • I'm not sure... but maybe You could call you previous Dr office and ask.for advice!!!
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