braxton hicks??

edited September 2011 in December 2011
I'll be 27 weeks on Sunday and the last two weeks I think I've been having what i think is braxton hicks. My tummy gets real tight, it is hard to breath and sometimes makes my legs sore. It is very strange. They happen at any time and can last a min to 15 mins. Anyone else have this?


  • Can't be sure if that's what ur having but I'm due in 19 days and Ive been feeling like that went to l&d and I was in peter labor at 35 weeks and now in early labor...just keep an eye on them and if they become regular call your Dr...mine were 2 mins apart for 3hours before I went in. Good luck!!
  • Haha auto spell pre term not peter ***
  • I'll be 27 weeks mon. Also and I've been having the same for a few days now no pain just tightens up all to the front and hardens very uncomfortable mine will go on every so hrs and at night I don't sleep cus my legs will also feel weird and bother me

  • I am 26 weeks and at my last apt I told my doc and she said if I can more then 4 in an hour then to call labor mine r not every hour I don't think but like the night before last I had at least 6 while we were watching a movie. I have no idea what it means either.
  • I now over the weekend went in for contractions for 2 1/2 days the pain was like a 6 or 7 about 10 to 15 mins apart doc just put me on bed rest for a week and said I was good now my stomach keeps hardening up real tight then loosening up every 5 mins or so and feeling lower pressure for a few hrs I'm 28 weeks anyone else experiencing the same? I'm worried our baby boys gonna surprise us before Dec.12.....any comments would be helpful thanks ;)
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