I can't eat anymore so stop bugging me!
You ladies know how much I love love love food. I think about it all the time. I cook all the time. I eat whenever I'm hungry. Simple! Kelly and my Mom keep worrying because I'm not gaining weight. It's not my fault! I'm still six pounds below my pre-preg weight but the doctor isn't concerned so neither am I. Plus, I still weigh 196! 196! That's plenty. Duh! Anyway, Blueberry is not going to starve up in here so leave me be! Aaaargh!
Vent over. Many thanks for your attention.
:ar! «--- well-fed pirate
Vent over. Many thanks for your attention.
:ar! «--- well-fed pirate
I was below starting weight with all 3 of my other kiddos and they weighed in at 8.6,8.5, and 9.2...my Dr never worried either cause babies were gaining and healthy.
Thats sweet though that Kelly is worried about his little blueberry getting enough food.
anyway at least u don't have to worry about losing the baby weight after u give birth