they are going to check me...
...and its this creepy doctor that I hate and I'm nervous and pissed about my weight. And my boyfriend only cares about showing me his sisters puppies...and gets mad at me when I don't respond how he wants. Wtf. Sorry i am more worried about them sticking fingers and cold sh!t up my vag. I am seriously doubting having him in the delivery room, I never get any solid support from him ok vent over.
but doc only swabbed outside area and didn't check for dilation. When I had got there they said "culture swab" and got out a speculum or whatever its called like they were going to do a pap smear. But it only ended up being group b test. Nurse scared me.... and only because this doctor is aggressive and looks like a troll! I can't wait for my doc to get back from vacation next week. I don't want that nicotine-infused stubby finger inside my vag