they are going to check me...

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
...and its this creepy doctor that I hate and I'm nervous and pissed about my weight. And my boyfriend only cares about showing me his sisters puppies...and gets mad at me when I don't respond how he wants. Wtf. Sorry i am more worried about them sticking fingers and cold sh!t up my vag. I am seriously doubting having him in the delivery room, I never get any solid support from him :'( ok vent over.


  • @ashes how did it go mamas
  • Id sit that boy down for a talk :)
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  • Omg. Luckily we have 3 docs. I refuse to get the creepy I just pray he's not at the hospital when I
  • It went better than I thought >_< bf still did nothing. Sat on his damn phone the whole time.
    but doc only swabbed outside area and didn't check for dilation. When I had got there they said "culture swab" and got out a speculum or whatever its called like they were going to do a pap smear. But it only ended up being group b test. Nurse scared me.... and only because this doctor is aggressive and looks like a troll! I can't wait for my doc to get back from vacation next week. I don't want that nicotine-infused stubby finger inside my vag
  • @valentinasmommy we have 6 doctors in my practice. I've only seen 2 of them. One is this creepy troll dude, he's short and scary looking, he's aggressive like he doesn't care...... the other is my doc, nice normal looking calm guy. Makes sure I'm comfortable. I hope the other 4 are nice :(
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