@mrs4c But don't forget, only 40 years ago doctors used to recommend x raying pregnant women to measure their babies so some things are just not known right now.
It's true, they say may be unsafe because they don't test pregnant women for medications and stuff like that. So they say to weigh out the pros and cons.
I know a lot of women have taken it on here with no issues. I'm assuming they say it may be unsafe because it's not regulated by the FDA, so there's no research on whether it does what it says or does something else, and they can't guarantee that you're buying what the bottle says is in it. It's a warning you'll see on all those vitamin supplements and things.
I really wanna get it, but that scared me. But yea, I've seen all those labels on vitamins and stuff and haven't had any problems with myself @laura536
Yeah, I don't take any supplements or weight loss meds, nothing that isn't regulated by the FDA. Mostly because there's no guarantee that you're taking what you think you are or that the dosage is correct.
My ob approved it. I started it at 36 weeks and went into labor at 37.5 weeks. I was dilated to 9cm and effaced 90% by the time I made it to the hospital.. not sure if that was the reason, but my son is here!
My doc said it was fine and I have been using it for about 2 weeks and I went from being high and closed to 70% effaced and a fingertip dialated and very soft oh and I was 50% effaced monday
I take 1000mg caps I took 3 vaginally and 1 orally every other night and then once I hit 37 weeks I started takind 4 vaginally and 2 orally every night good luck mama!
Just so you know I don't think it works.... I was taking it regularly from 34w till my 38w appointment today.. well some weeks I had progress some weeks I didn't... but good luck.. maybe it did help a little who knows?
So those big ass capsules, you can also insert vaginally?lol Idk the directions says take 3 a day with a meal. Didn't give you cramps/contractions or it just this you out without feeling anything. @momof22be and @SaylorsMommy
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