weird pains... ugh

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
I keep having pains similar to cramping. They r in my lower abs. Also been getting like a sharp pain lower left side. They have been bad last day or two. Any advice?


  • Call your doc momma. After what I have been through next time I will ring them anytime. Let them know in case it is the start of labor.
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  • Welp I just had a big turd lol sorry tmi bit that's weird I swear its always rabbit poo... that can't mean anything can it? Its just strange I have been pooping better but been cramping really bad and those sharp pains really hurt! They kept me up all last night!
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  • Idk but I'm in the same boat @mandac10 been since weds night horrible cramping n pain on mostly my lover right. How far along are you?
  • Om 30 weeks
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