I'm not having fun anymore!! *NEW* question about sugar!

edited September 2011 in Health
Ill be 35 wks Saturday. I'm type2 diabetic. My sugars have creeped up lately so I went for MFM today. I now need to inject insulin 3x a day...along with my metformin pills. I don't even test my self. I make my hub or kid press the button on my finger poker to test. I can't even do the test to.myself!! How the hell am I gonna stick a needle in my belly 3x a day????! Its temporary....I hope. But does anyone take insulin? Does it hurt? How do you get the balls to stick yourself? I know I'm doing this for my baby but I've sat their for like half hour before trying to press the button to test my blood& failed so I gave up & didn't test til someone came home. I'm a big wuss when it comes to doing things to myself. I want to cry...& have. If it were my sticking somebody else, I'm ok. But me sticking me, I'm super scared that I wont get the needle in!!

Ok so I'm sticking myself... but my question is....
What if my high morning numbers wont go down?? I started insulin 3 days ago. 1st # 123 2nd # 118 today in the am is 115. If my fasting sugars stay high, will they induce me early? I'm 35 wks.


  • :( sucks you have to go through this! I couldnt do it
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  • My sister took 6 shots a day for about 10 yrs. Now she has a tube that goes through her belly and she carries a remote in her bra so each time she eats she pushes some buttons an it feeds her insulin through the tube. My poor sissy wears it 24/7
  • That's what I'm saying! @heyitsme

    @2BeForgotten yea I could stick others but not me! Im trying to get hubby to do it. But some days he works nights so ill have to do one by myself.
  • @emy if I had to do it after baby, id get that pump too. I'm so scared I wont be able to do it. Hopefully its just til baby comes.
  • @one5one good luck and just remember its for your baby and hopefully it wont last much longer. :)
  • I completely understand! I can't test myself either, my husband has to do it for me.
    For some reason though, I can inject my insulin myself with no problem. It doesn't hurt because I grab an inch of fat and inject right into the belly! Also, there's more control to it. You're the one who controls how quickly the needle is inserted and after the first few times, you see how painless it is!
    Pricking my own finger though... forget it. It's so frustrating that I can't bring myself to do it!! X(
  • edited September 2011
    ugh! screw posting from my phone!! :P
  • I'm on lovenox a blood thinner shot twice a day. I can't stick myself either! I make hubby or my mom do it lol. I have to stay on it at least 6wks pp my son is now 10 days old. It seems like forever away!
  • Thanks @emy I know it! I've got hubby helping me. Its painless really. But the actual stick is my issue. I've gotta practice getting the needle into the skin.

    @waasae lol I'm not the only one! So far hubs did all the injections & they really are painless. I feel nothing! As for the finger prick...ouch! That sucker hurts! Funny how a long needle isn't as bad as a lil one. I hate the test but the insulin isn't that bad. Something ill get used to!
  • @Kingsmama it seems these finger prick tests are more trouble than the actual injection! My fingers hurt! And ill always have to test....being diabetic. But I'm hoping I can at least get off the insulin injection after babys born. Not sure how long after though.
  • Ugh... I couldn't do it and I'm sorry you have to. :( atleast you only have a few weeks left and hopefully hubs can do 1-2 thirds of the shots? Be strong mama, you have been for me, and now for you! Hugs!
  • @jellybelly1015 thank you! I'm trying! He's done them all so far but I will have to start doing them on my own because he works 2 night out the week. So ill have to do at least one shot on those days. But if I can manage one shot....I can learn to do them all! Sunday evening is my "test".
  • I have to give myself daily injections for ms and it took a while to get up the guts. I have an auto injector so I don't even see the needle go in. I just press a button. I started out having my hubby hold it in place while I pressed the button, he counted to 5. Then I could let go and it was done. After a few monthes I was doing it on my own. You get used to it.
  • @biffymnstr yea its something ill need to adjust to. I'm just hoping its tempory for now. I don't have an auto injector. I have a good old fashioned syringe! Its not that bad though.
  • I do it twice a day since i was just couple months along. I actually think the glucometer hurts more than the insulin injections. The needles are coated with something that makes them slide in without pain. As much as it sucks i was actually able to eat some sweets once i started taking insulin and still have my blood sugar under control. My baby is only measuring around 7lbs & i am 38 1/2 weeks.

    Good luck...& dont worry it's not that bad.
  • @2ndtimearound I'm 35 wks tomorrow. So my sugars were ok but were creeping up. I totally agree the glucometer is evil! But the needles a breeze! my baby measured 4lbs14oz at 32w4d. Which they said was normal & not too large for my having diabetes.
  • I have gestational diabetes and my sugar have been a lil on the high side lately so I hope they don't tell I need insulin because I refuse. The pricking the finger thing doesn't really bother me my fingers don't hurt. I use the delicate needles and it is fairly painless. But if I needed insulin there is no way I could inject myself. I hate needles. So I prolly will have a ten lb baby.
  • @kailiasmomma05 how many weeks are you? I have type 2. So I've been on metformin for years with well controlled sugars. My am #s are high so they put me on insulin to help. The lower the #s the better.
    But what I though was ill have just a large baby. But no! If your sugars are not controlled, your baby can also have high sugar & once the cord is cut, baby can have complications from the "withdrawal" of the high sugar your body was giving baby. Such as seizures. Also there can be developmental issues such deformation or brain function issues. The one that hit me was if your sugars get high & don't come down baby could be stillborn!!
    I hate injections & having to do them myseld sucks! But what id hate more is my baby having problems or dying because I can't stick myself for a few more weeks til she's born. Its a lot more scary than I thought! Yesterday was bad but I got over it & I'm onto taking care of my & baby.
  • Bump for my new question!
  • What type of insulin are you using? Since you're preggo the easiest and least painful area to inject yourself would the fatty parts of your thighs. Also, 120's are wonderful blood sugars...did they put you on insulin for them staying in the 200's? I'm an RN and I deal with insulin daily..I'm a home health nurse and I see patients in the mornings to give them their insulin because they aren't physically able to. If your numbers keep going up they'll increase the amount of insulin you'll need to give yourself. Or they can change the type...message me if ya need to :)
  • edited September 2011
    I'm on humalog & humalin N. I inject in the belly, yay me I had flab before pregnancy so I can pinch more than an inch, so to speak. My fasting is over 120 so they added insulin. They want it to be about 90 for pregnancy. My 2 hr sugars are great. I've never been in the 200s. Its just these am #s stay high. Hub & I are wondering if ill need to be induced if they stay high. I see dr again wed. I'm type2. @Spray85
  • @one5one i am going into my 32 week and am having this boy by 37 weeks cuz of all the health conditions. So weeks left i think i can manage without insulin atleast in my opinion. My blood sugar has never been over 150s 2 hours after eating and everyone says thats good. But the want me under 92 fasting and 120 2 hours after meals. I have been doing good. If i eat carbs i do fine which is weird but anything with sugar kills me. Hopefully my dr has mercy on me.
  • @Kailiasmomma05 I hope your pregnancy goes well & you wont need insulin! You have GD right? I'm type2 so it may be a bit different. If your #s are good I'm sure there's nothing to worry over. My 2hrs are good too. Its the fasting ones that are high...120s. They've been lowing them but we'll see how that goes. I'm gonna ask about all this on wed... my next appt.
  • Ok..yeah those are fast acting insulins but they're not gonna keep your #s down for fasting morning blood sugars. For high #s in the AM, I've seen Lantus used the most right before bedtime...its a long acting insulin and will keep your #s down during the night and in turn will be lower in the mornings. Ask your OB about it :) I'd have to look it up though to see if Lantus can be using during pregnancy :/
  • The insulin shots aren't that bad. I do them 4 times a day. I have pens though, so they are super easy and dont hurt. I am surprised you are doing insulin and metformin though. I only have to do it while I am pregnant. After she gets here (or when I am done breastfeeding) I go back to the metformin. Good luck hon. Remeber you are doing it for your babY.
  • @one5one Your dr just needs to increase your evening dose. My dr actually gave me the go ahead to increase myself by two units at a time to get my levels under control. I've had to increase several times in the last month cuz the end it gets harder to control.
  • @sophiasmom11 I go for my nxt appt on wed but gotta fax my #s for the past few days to the maternal fetal medical people on tues. I'm still not happy with my #s. Its like after I eat I need to stop ingestion of anything besides water for 2 hrs. I do ok but sometimes ill sip on a water mixed w a splash of juice for flavor. Like I did now so my 1& a half test was 142. Its all something I need to adjust to. So ill need to discuss with my dr all of this. I'm wondering since I'm so close if they'll want to induce me early if my #s don't go down.
  • @Spray85 well one says its fast acting up to 5 hrs. The other says it lasts 12-24 hrs. So it seems I've got both. Though the nurse said take cloudy first after dinner then clear before bed. Well clear is fast acting. Cloudy is long lasting. Wtf! I called them to clarify instructions but no call back :( so I took the fast clear one after dinner & long cloudy at night. Figured id go with the instructions on the pamphlet from walgreens then nurse. I'm so damn confused! & no return call to help! Maybe I call the pharmasist again.
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