Am I wrong to be upset?? (long..=/..)
Ok so after not seeing my dad for 13years we finally get back in contact..we attempt to mend our relationship but he always wants me to drive to see him..mind u thts an hr away and im 36+5wks still working 30+hr a wk jus to make my car and phone payments. I have a whole, a half, and two step sisters, those two were preggo also. one due aug 23, the other due sept 8, then me at sept 26. Aug 23rds water broke and she had her on aug10 at one told me..facebook did..not too upset cuz it was late and an hr drive.. Then today on facebook im seeing congrats are in order to sept 8th she had her son....and im not notified..n I know for a fact my dad came all the way down here to see the baby..I LIVE RIGHT NEXT TO THE FREAKING HOSPITAL!!!! N she had him at least 5hrs ago. I jus saw her yday..she came n2 my work but didnt say nethin....i am so mad/upset/hurt..i feel like I shouldnt tell anybody when I have my daughter....i even txtd dad and his reply....
@BentleysMommy exactly!! N aug 23, I could understand her not being away n no job or car. But dad n his wife n my lil sis..i gave them an invite n a coup wks later he txts me n says "hey how about movie and ice cream fri nite!" I said umm thats when my baby shower is..i gave u guys an invite..are you comming?? N hes like "ohh we cant about sunday??" Wtf really?!?!
I think im done trying to make this "relationship" work..