one week ago...<3 long...

I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl, Abriella Marie. She weighed 6 pounds 8.9 ounces and was 18 3/4 inces long (my little shortie!) On Friday, aug. 25 my water broke at home, husband and I went into triage around 11:00pm. I got checked, 1cm 25% effaced. They checked me into my delivery room and my mom came. I was contracting on my own, and a few hours later I had only effaced to 75% and was still at 1cm. They said I may need pitocin, which I did nottttt want! In the morning at 7am, I was checked again and I was 3cm and 75% effaced! I had progressed on my own so they didn't think I needed pitocin. A few hours after that, I did not progress anymore, so they had to give me pitocin because my water had been broken for over half a day at that point, and I need to progress so I wouldn't get an infection, fever, or need a c section. They gave me the pitocin, and pain meds through my IV, I slept for a little bit. Until, I started to feel the contractions BAD. It hurt so bad I was hysterically crying, nothing let the pain ease up. I got checked and was still 3cm. (My hospital won't give epidural until 4cm) but my contractions were huge on the charts and I really thought I was going to die and I almost just said give me a c section. So thankfulyyyyy, they gave me the epidural!!! And boy was that thing HEAVEN. I was able to sleep. Around 5pm, they checked me again and I was 7cm and 90% effaced. At this point I started to develop a fever, so the nurses and doctors were worrying. I got more epi dossage. And around 6pm I started feeling lots of pressure, and they wouldn't check me yet, since they just checked me. But 20 mins later the pressure was unbareable. They checked me and I was complete! The pressure was intense!!! I pushed for 45 minutes and at 7:10 pm she was born!!! :) I wanted her out so bad I pushed hard, and got a 1st degree tear on my labia. I only got to hold my daughter for a few mins before they took her to the nursery bc I had a fever during labor :( they wanted to make sure she didn't have one or an infection. We didn't get her back until three hours later :( we've been home for 4 days now and I couldn't imagine my life without her :)


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