HELP! sharp pain in right breast and breastfeeding??

edited September 2011 in Breastfeeding
Omg I keep getting short stabbing sharp pains in my right breast (not nipple) I've been breastfeeding for 2 weeks. My baby also seems a bit fussier lately. What could it be??


  • Is it hard? It might be a plug duct. So whiled breastfeeding massage the area. You baby is probably fuzzy bc she/he isn't getting enough milk.
  • No it isn't.. I did have plugged ducts but saw a lactation cnsultant and it got soooo much better. I know she's getting enough milk bc it'll just drip out without her having to suck and when I pump I get at least 2oz at a time. I think ima call her tomorrow.
  • Could it just be 1 plugged duct and not multiple?
  • @lily_glz could be thrush. Check babies mouth to see if any white patches are in the inside of cheeks. It can spread to your breasts/nipples. But deep breast pain can be a sign of it. It may nit be that, but something worth checking out. Not always do you get a rash on your nipples, so don't rule it out just yet if you don't have a rash on you. But check babies mouth. If it is thrush you and baby will need medicine. But if pain persist call your ob. Good luck sweetie.
  • The first couple weeks I got shooting nerve pains throughout my breasts. I think its just the ducts expanding. If it persists in the same spot for more than a day or so, call your doc. Otherwise, they usually stop all together after a few weeks.
  • 2week-olds are generally fussier than newborns just because their more alert. Its typically something they outgrow between 6 weeks and 3 months.
  • @melinda326 thanks! Her tongue is white but its just the milk I think.
    @math_mommy I hope that's it and not something that'll cause me to stop breastfeeding :(
  • Breastfeeding the first few weeks is so much more painfull than it is after the first few... Your boobs wont feel like sacks of rocks forever I promise! ;)
  • @math_mommy gosh I hope not! Ima stick to it :) hubby was already telling me to get formula BC I was hurting ! No sir
  • Good for you!!! Breastfeeding takes lots of patience and committment. My bf tried to tell me the same thing when I was exausted during the early weeks nursing our first. I may or may not have thrown a pack of D batteries at his head... ;)
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