A little concerned - update on today's shower

edited September 2011 in Baby showers
My first baby shower is tomorrow. It is a couple's shower and there were 80 people invited. So far, there have only been 19 items bought have my 2 registries combined. I'm worried people don't realize it's a shower and think it's just a party. Plus my MIL forgot to include where we were registered on the invitations. She said she called everyone, but she also lies a lot!


  • Was the invitation specific for a shower?
  • I had a large baby shower, and people didn't buy off my registry, but I got EVERYTHING i needed. I mean EVERYTHING. I'm sure things will go great at your shower!! (: Don't worry too much and just enjoy the time celebrating your little one!!
  • @blueberrysmom she didn't send us one so I'm not sure what the inside said, but I'm pretty sure the outside was a pink card with a baby carriage.

    @lindseynicole96 @2ndbutfirst that's what I'm hoping for. I'm hoping a lot of people just didn't have the cashier scan the registry and that a lot of them are last minute shoppers. I just did the majority of my registering at Babies R Us because I hate how Target does their registry (although I love Target), but we don't have them very close to us so I'm afraid that discouraged a lot of people.
  • That's pretty clear. Lol! I'm sure it will be great and you'll get loads of cool stuff!
  • Well my fears came true and I hardly got anything off my registry. The things I did get off my registry were the small things and not the things I really need (travel system, playard, bedding, high chair, bottles, monitor and the rest of the big ticket items). Apparently people like to buy clothes for girls because that is primarily what we got.
    Out of 80 people invited, we had about 20 people show up. I knew with it being a holiday weekend we wouldn't have as many show up, but I wasn't expectign that small of a turn out. 24 people on our list of invites were from my father-in-law's side of the famiyl (he is 1 of 7 kids) and only 7 people total showed up. We invited around 30 of our friends and only had 8 show up.
    I don't want to sound or be ungrateful, but I'm so worried about how I'm going to get EVERYTHING I need in such a short period of time. I know if I have to get the items then I'm going to have to choose cheaper things because I can't afford to get it all.
    This was only my first shower - I have two more to go - but this was the biggest and the side of the family I was anticipating getting the most from. My family just doesn't have the money to get me the big items, and I'm really not expecting much from work.
    I'm sure everything will work out, but this did not go at all how I thought it would. When I was worried about the prices of the items I registered for, everyone told me not worry about it because people go in together on things and I'll get what I need. Well that's definitely not how tonight turned out...
  • Im sorry it didnt go as you expected, but you still have more showers to go so keep your hopes up. I had to buy every big item my self people are a little cheap now a days since the economy struggles is hitting alot of people really hard.
  • @Janet_2011 I really am grateful for getting stuff but 90% is clothes. And all the same sizes. I still have to get my changing table ... I'm just freaking out.
  • edited September 2011
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  • Hey there don't worry about it too much :) that is so true focus on the more important stuff...and hope for the best for the other showers ..you're lucky you're gonna have more than one ...I will only have one and that's my coworkers friends hosting it ..my family/uncles family isn't even giving me one . my friends from outside work isn't giving me one too ! They probably think I could afford to buy all the stuff and they already knw by now am having one anyway so you are very lucky :)

  • I'm sorry it didn't go as hoped :( Many people let me down too by not coming and I also began feeling bad for feeling ungrateful but I guess thats just life that things don't always go as expected. Its ok, hopefully your other shower turns out better!
  • @TricesBaby & @Johnkaye I know I'm lucky to be having one at all, let alone to have 3. I was just counting on his family and the fact that more than half of them didn't show up is frustrating - especially since I attend all of their showers and stuff.
    @excitedforoctober I'm hoping for the best. I'm hoping to at least get my bedding set and travel system.
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