Whose fathers are gone at work or in the army,marines, Ext do this?! I hate that he's gone I hate that Idk when he will come home I hate being alone waking up alone im so depressed!
Day by Day. Email by Email. Care Packade by Care Package. Picture by Picture. It hard, challenging, trying on emotions. But you make the best of what you have, when you have it and hold onto it when you dont. (Army Wife)
I hate this. My fiance just started a job and I know its not countries away or the same as being in the army in any way but its a long ways away and Idk when he will come home im so lonely! I was so proud he got this job and I still am. And I love that he's willing to go out in the middle of nowhere and work to provide for us but this is awful!! I never knew how much him just laying next to me meant until he left
@OregonMama I sleep on his side of the bed too! And we do that too its only been a few days since I saw him last and its driving me crazy today ive just been laying in bed crying like a baby all evening.
lol i know idk how they do it... my bf went to where hes from for the weekend which is 4 hours away from me and i hate it!!!!!! he'll be back sunday but i just hate him being gone!!!!!!!!!!!
Mine works from 7 to 7 and sometimes that drives me crazy those women are strong I couldn't image having to do that he's my only friend and sometimes when he has to leave early I sleep on his side idk it feels more special
@mama0811 omg he's been gone so long! All u ladies are so strong! And so r ur husbands. @bbylucasMomma mine is my best friend too I mean we've always been by each others side always!