Tmi but is this normal?!?!

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
So its 2:50am and I am woken up by exteme hot flashes..n then it hit me..dont fart or ur gonna shit urself =[ so eventually I slid outta bed (hips are extremely sore) I stand..holy moly I gotta to the bathroom..diarrea. Is this normal?? Now im scared itll happen again n I wont wake up or something..=[


  • I had something like that happen to me too idk what it is but since then I've had loose stool no diarrhea its been about a week I'm 38+4
  • Um I had that happen to my right b4 I went into labor with my daughtr...
  • @bbylucasMomma it was super strange now im paranoid..
    @breewashington08 how long after did u go into labor?? How far along were u??
  • How far along are you?? Loose stools/diarrhea occur before u go into labor :)
  • edited September 2011
    I started having the same thing about a week ago and a half ago. I'm 31+6. My OB said it was a GI bug that was going around, but I still have it. I thought for sure I was going to go into labor, but I'm still preggers, thankfully! Maybe you should call your doc or l&d and see if they want you to get checked out. It could be a sign of labor coming soon!
  • I had that when i was 32 weeks .. and then it eventually went away im now 37w3d
  • Have u been constipated.. I wud get tjt every so often during prego and i was reli constipated and to me it was like my.bodys way of saying.. Ive had enough lol! God prego is fun!
  • @Spray85 im 36+5..measured at 38mon, then she dropped more n measured 37 on fri..
    @DreaMaria @ahendricks09 @hayz_baby ive been having loose stool but the diarrhea woke me up n I barely made it to the bathroom n for tge past 2days I keep getting sharp shooting pains n my vajayjay..=/
  • @mommy_rel well idk about the loose stools because mines went away I would talk to your doc. I get sharp pains in down there too doc said it was because baby's head is sitting really low and im now 1cm 50% effaced and at -1 ...
  • @ahendricks09 hmm idk..i was checked last mon n dont get checked again till friday..but minday I wasnt midwife said if I dont have her this week shes going to strip my membranes fri n hopefully ill have her 24-48 hrs after that..
  • @mommy_rel that's actually how I figured out I was contracting. I woke up cuz I hada poop an I poopd like 4 times in a row then was stil feeling like I hada go but nothing was happening, then back pain started, then my water started comin out then my mucus plug. I labored at home for 12 hrs b4 headn to l&d
  • @breewashington08 I was having back pain too..but I lost my plug at 33wks..n if my water breaks I have to go in asap cuz im gbs positive. Usually (well the past week) id poo like 3-5 times a day..n sincr I had the runs last nite, I havnt since..jus back pain and braxton hicks contractions
  • edited September 2011
    @mommy_rel hmm the only thing my doc told me about sharp pains down there is either the baby is head is really low or they are on a nerve.. but good luck how far along are you.. and i thought you had to be dilated to have your membranes strip
  • @mommy_real hmmm, mayb call l&d an see what they suggest? It sounds like evrything I went thru right b4 my daughter was born.
  • @mommy_rel also... I was stalkin ur page cuz ur name doesn't look very familiar to me, but. I seen somewher that u live next to wright pat base in ohio. Well, I live in richmond!!! We're like.....neighbors!! Lol my husband is from dayton so we're in ohio alot
  • @ahendricks09 thats wat I was thinkin..that or shes punching ill b 37wks on monday. N ya u do, she said if I havnt already had her I should at least be dialated cuz shes huge..measuring 2wks ahead n has been tht way for a long time..
    @breewashington08 how long was it before u had her?? How far were u?? N sweet!! Lol I go on base for my ob care =]
  • I woke up that morning with the poopy feeling at like 330am, the poop episodes happend for mayb 3hrs then I realized I was contracting, I lost my plug about 10, an went to the hospital at 1p, got my epidural at 4pm, had her at 130am the next morning. I was in labor for like 22hrs
  • @breewashington08 ohh yea I dont think ill get that
  • @mommy_rel it was a terrrrriiibbllee labor. I puked the whole time an my blood pressure kept fluctuating, along with a fever. Ugh....
  • @breewashington08 ew I hope I dont.. Oh is it normal to feel nauseated and like ur gonna piss urself when u hav a contraction?? Thats new as of tonite..
  • Mayb the peeing part since ur muscles r contracting down ther, an u might b feeling nauseated cuz ur body is in pain depending on how well u tolerate pain...
  • @breewashington08 ya I guess tht makes sense..n idk how I tolerate tht kind of pain..nvr had owell
  • R ur contractions regular? Like...r u in labor?
  • @mommy_rel ok ok i got you congrats.. and im 37w4d .. hopefully your dilated when you go to see her next
  • @breewashington08 no, they are irregular..
    @ahendricks09 lol yea..n thanks, u too!! N hoping..
  • Lol I was waiting for someone to post this. I have the same thing but I'm only 8weeks. I have really bad nausea but when I eat, it calms down a bit. But when I do eat I get very bad cramps and bad diohrea :(
  • @mummy_to_be ohh thats probably completely diff from mine..mines prlly my babys head burrowing down..but urs sounds like dehydration to me..i had that at got so bad o stopped eating n couldnt keep water down n kept I called n they had me come in n they gave me two or three bags..i felt SO much better..please call or go in!! Hope it gets better!! N congrats on your little one =]
  • Thanks hun!!! I really appreciate the advice cause I had no idea lol. I don't really drink water so0 ill try And see how I go. If it stays the same ill just go in. And here I thought it was my digestion lol
  • @mummy_to_be no problem!! N ya thts just my not a doc. Lol hope u get ot figured out! =]
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