Tmi but is this normal?!?!
So its 2:50am and I am woken up by exteme hot flashes..n then it hit me..dont fart or ur gonna shit urself =[ so eventually I slid outta bed (hips are extremely sore) I stand..holy moly I gotta to the bathroom..diarrea. Is this normal?? Now im scared itll happen again n I wont wake up or something..=[
@breewashington08 how long after did u go into labor?? How far along were u??
@DreaMaria @ahendricks09 @hayz_baby ive been having loose stool but the diarrhea woke me up n I barely made it to the bathroom n for tge past 2days I keep getting sharp shooting pains n my vajayjay..=/
@breewashington08 how long was it before u had her?? How far were u?? N sweet!! Lol I go on base for my ob care =]
@ahendricks09 lol yea..n thanks, u too!! N hoping..