Am I the only October mom who....

edited September 2011 in October 2011
doesn't have hip or groin pain? Or who has never had a kick that hurt? Don't get Braxton Hicks? Honestly I really don't have any symptoms except being really tired all the time and having feet and back pain towards the end/after work each day. Maybe a tiny bit of heartburn here and there....and a little hard to manuever around...Anyone else?


  • >:p so what?
  • Sorry, that wasn't nice. Just not feeling too well right now.
  • I don't have braxton hicks! And my hips don't really hurt. But moving is getting tougher lol. My dad showed up today in his truck and he had to pull me into it. Lol.
  • @cinnabon lmao

    @sunshine25 I dont have hip or groin pain, or braxton hicks. He does like to jam his foot up my ribs and thats painful but I will never complain
  • I have never had braxton hicks, I don't really hurt, I had some hip pain but only a few days. The kicks don't hurt, the surprise me sometimes. Its been easy for the most part
  • Booo this one has been the worsed pregnacy ever. My feet swell up to my ankles I'm tail bone hurts for the last two weeks. My hips I'm always hot. Heart burn sooooo bad. I wasn't even expecting this baby. This is called my miracal baby. With a tubal. Sorry vent over.
  • Oh and bh are so bad they take my breath away. Sitting to eat sucks
  • @sara102011 I can barely get in my SUV anymore. I told my hubby next wk im taking over his Buick. He's in love with his car but too damn bad they have to part for a month or so.
  • edited September 2011
    @cinnabon srry ur not feeling well, and it wasn't meant to be gloating or anything. Honestly I'm a little concerned because my mom would not go into labor for anything with my older brother, she ended up having an emergency c-section over 4 weeks past her due brother almost died, had to be life-flighted to a bigger hospital, doctors said it would be a miracle if he survived and if he did he would be very severly retarded. I still question the retarded part but anyway...With me not showing any signs of my hips spreading or anything like that I'm afraid I'm going to take after her. They even tried to induce her several times and nothing...
    And as far as the kicks go, it just kinda concerns me that everyone elses babies are strong enough to cause them pain...but I don't feel any, ya know? I do have an anterior placenta so I'm hoping that's a big part of it.
    I know I know I'm probably just paranoid. I just had issues at the beginning of pregnancy and my thryroid has been out of wack the whole pregnancy and they havn't been able to get it regulated so I've had low hormone levels the whole time and I'm just scared...want him to be healthy ya know?
    @sara102011 I know what you mean. My fiance has a tiny little car and I hate riding in it. It is sooo hard to get out of! Anyone else noticed it's harder to get out from the passenger side of the vehicle then it is the driver side or is it just me? lol

    Btw I'm due 10/24
  • Whoops, forgot one blood pressure is slowly going far no pre eclampsia, but they keep making me do the 24 hour urine to test for it and are talking of inducing me a little bit early if it keeps going up
  • Well I'm due Oct 12th and if I could transfer some of these symptoms I would... My feet swell, I have cankels, hip pain, and bh contractions. Thank God I'm not working right now I would be a mess. Chasing a 18 month old around is enough but other that I'm good. :). Lol.... @Cinnabon lmbo that was my 1st thought
  • @ExcitedForOctober I havn't felt him that high up yet...maybe he's just low? At my last ultrasound he was still breech, but I was hoping he would have flipped by now...and I thought I was feeling my kicks further up now.
    @mschop If I remember right we have the same due date? Oct 24?
    @trisha sorry your having such a rough time. My feet and ankles swell pretty bad too, it's no fun. Hope things get easier for you...maybe this means your labor and delivery will be a breeze? :)
  • @sunshine25 out of all three other ones this is my only bad pregnancy. This baby is very low. My doctor thinks she is going to be huge. My last baby was 9lbs 1 oz and she thinks this one is going to be as big or bigger. I'm thinking bigger.
  • Yup we have the same due date, but my doctor is thinking I will need a c section and that will be on Oct 17th. Sleeping is getting a little hard, I get up at lest twice to pee, but I still sleep on my belly
  • @serenitysmommy isn't it funny how we hate having the symptoms but if we don't we worry ourselves to death? Don't get me wrong...I am exhausted and in miserable pain by the end of the day with my feet and back, but I know that's cause I am still working on my feet 40 hours a week. It's the normal sypmtoms I should be having that tells me everything is good and my body is preparing for labor that I'm worried I don't have. Btw...your daughter is adorable!!! :)

    @trisha Eeeeek! That's a big baby! One of my friends had something like a freaking 12 pound baby...a little over I think...she had him c section but still!!! No thank you!
  • The anterior placenta is definitely the reason you aren't feeling strong kicks. I've never gotten super strong kicks with either pregnancy, but this is my second and she does this weird rolling thing that makes me want to puke!

    I didn't have braxton hicks at all last time, and I think I might have felt one this time. Although, it's good to remember that you can be having BH and never feel them. My hips on the other hand, feel miserable, lol! And they did last time too. I don't get a big preggo belly though, I almost think I carry my babies in my hips, lol!! I worked full time 40 hours last time too.

    I did have to be induced last time, but it was a super easy labor, I think working til the end helped with that. This time I'm basically a SAHM and I'm super nervous my labor is going to be harder.
  • @mrschop that was my original due date! They pushed it back at my 1st ultrasound. I feel you on sleeping too...I wake up every couple hours and have a heck of a time falling asleep. I wish I could still sleep on my tummy! :-((

    @sunshinelove lol, I do have lots of not so fun symptoms...I'm just worried bout the ones that I don't have that most others do! The more other people post my list keeps growing. So to clarify I have: feet and back pain, high blood pressure, difficult to move around, swelling feet and ankles, problems sleeping, constantly peeing, underactive thyroid, and exhuastion. lol, so there! :-D
  • Thank you and just consider it a blessing and try not to worry and stress. I'm sure your babys fine. I'll be praying for you
  • I do get Braxton Hicks a lot now, but jus uncomfy, & hip pain occassionaly. But overall I don't have too many bad symptoms! Be thankful we got blessed with smooth pregnancies for the most part!
  • I'm in the same boat. No painful kicks, no hip or groin pain, no braxton hicks.. my hb also drives a small car (acura integra) n he pulls me out of it lol my feet hurt after a long day.. I'm tired here n there, lil heartburn here n there.. so far so good!
  • I also Have an anterior placenta. N I'm due on Oct 30th
  • Okay okay not AS lucky!
  • Girl the only thing i have experienced is swollen feet and a little tiredness. Never a bh or back pain or anything..the whole pregnancy!! Never had sickness or anything. I do have a little worse acne then before i started but thats all
  • I get everything
  • No braxton Hicks and his kicks r just now starting to hurt. But I have bad hip and back pain :-(
  • Lucky bitch ;) I get that all!!!!!!
  • well is anybody going to say how far they are
  • I'm not due until January, but even at 21 weeks, I am very uncomfortable. This is my second pregnancy and is so completely different. Aside from horrible all day sickness with my son, I didn't get too uncomfortable until late in the 3rd trimester and went 8 days over my DD before induction. This time, my back hurts, my hips hurt, my feet swell, heartburn, exhaustion, insomnia, and random "you have 30 seconds to find a place to vomit" episodes. Baby is as close to the front as possible and I've been feeling kicks since 18/19 weeks. He/she also refuses to move up and thinks my bladder is a toy. Also currently breech and seems to enjoy that position with his/her feet right by their face. It's gonna be a long second half.

    Good luck October mommies! Your time is just around the corner!
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