Suggestions/advice for mommies to be, who haven't delivered yet...

I had my daughter a week ago, and I thought I'd share some things with you ladies that I found helpful during labor and things I just discovered while in the hospital for three days, that I didn't know before or thought would be helpful! :)

1. Contractions are no joke, they suck. One position I found helpful to ease some of the pain, was sitting on a birthing ball. I sat on one before I was bed ridden from getting an epidural. Sitting on the ball and moving back and forth help ease the pain and was more comfortable than staying on the bed the whole time. My husband also sat behind me, on a chair, and held me/rubbed my back which also helped.

2. SLEEP when you can! I was in labor for 20 hours, and by the time I delivered her, I was beat! Before I was able to get my epidural, I got pain meds in my iv, which allowed me to sleep a little. And then my epidural allowed me to sleep some.

3. I tore naturally, and got a 1st degree tear on my labia, and I got stitches. So after I got stitched up, the nurses gave me a pad that was also an ice pack kinda thing, and it felt so good! See if your hospital has them, they're a little thick, but they're cold and kinda numb down below. I didn't wear regular pads until the day I left the hospital. Also, the numbing spray is AMAZING! Make sure to get a can of that! It also will take pain away and numb the area where you got stitches. If, like me, you can't see where your stitches are, my husband just sprayed it there for me. Use the perry bottle, to spray down there after you pee, it feels good! And make sure to take it home!

4. Make sure your hubby, boyfriend, fiance, or who ever is with you doesn't eat all the snacks or drinks! Because I was in labor for 20 hours...I didn't eat or even drink anything. I could only have ice chips which sucked! So right after the doctor was done stitching me up, I had a snack and some flavored water! It was so nice, because I delivered at night, the cafeteria was closed.

5. At my hospital, they don't give meals to the daddy's. One thing I didn't know hospitals did, was the hospital let food be delivered to the l&d floor. So my husband was able to order a pizza, and just had to walk to the lobby to get it, instead of leaving the hospital to go get something to eat, or when the cafeteria was closed. The hospital also had a "snack" fridge, which the mommies or daddies could take from at any time. There was bags with sandwiches, juice, milk, jello, and crackers.

6. Ask for stuff! Going home, we were able to take home a hand pump, extra diapers, little formula bottles, baby t-shirts, alcohol pads (for umbilical cord), dry wipes, disposable changing pads, pads for mommie, numbing spray, numbing pads, perry bottle.

7. Take your own pillows, the hospital ones suck! Daddy may want some too. And I wish I woulda packed a blanket for my husband, he was cold a lot, and they only gave him sheets to sleep with.


  • Push with everything you got down there! Who cares if you poop just push with all you got.
  • very helpful! ty!
  • Thanks that helped :) this is my 3rd you would think I would remember but I guess i forgot. I do remember my hubby being cold with just a sheet and needing snacks.
  • Very helpful!
  • Very helpful! Love this app!!
  • I'm glad this is helpful! :)
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  • Awwww thanks sweetie I'm going too take Your adviseee.(:
  • Muchos gracias for posting this! <3
  • The spray I got was dermoplast...with a blue top. Its awesome for the soreness. :) bring the blue chucks home with u to sleep on too just in case!
  • @rizzychicky
    You're welcome!! :) I knew, I liked finding out little tidbits of info that would help me in labor or at the hospital stay.

    @Caiti5 yeah, that's the spray I have! Its a life saver! I'm 9 days pp and I'm still using it.
  • That perry bottle thing is GREAT for c-section mommies, too. When you have that horrible incision, you don't want to sit down, let alone have to bend over your throbbing tummy to try to wipe. Wiping takes effort, spritzing your hoo-haa with warm water and patting it dry with a towel is SO much easier than trying to wipe! And it's almost comforting when you're not feeling so good. :(

    Also! C-section moms, make sure you get up and walk as soon as possible!!! It's important to your recovery that you WALK! If your spinal has worn off and your feet are still tingly, then it's time to walk! Call your nurse, and have them help you to the bathroom. It's gonna hurt like a b***h, but you'll thank yourself later!

    AND ask for a belly support belt! It'll help a lot. :) I'm 19 days pp and still using it! Don't even think about taking it off til you're at least a week pp... trust me. You'll thank me later.
  • What's a support belt @Mythica
  • @iwantaboy18 It's like the belly bandit.... but the ones the hospitals have are slightly different. It has a soft panel on it where the Velcro will attach, and that's about 10 inches long. The belt is about 9 inches wide, because it covers from your pubic bone to nearly your breasts. The rest of the belt is elastic. You hold the soft panel over your belly/incision area, and have someone help you pull the belt on as tight as you can stand it. The belt supports your abdominal muscles while you're healing, and helps them firm back up into place when you're no longer healing. You'd think you could use it as a girdle or something, but it really doesn't hide size that much. lol. The only annoying thing about it is that it rides up in the back and you occasionally have to pull it back down over your hips/butt. You wear it under your clothes.
  • @iwantaboy18 It's like the belly bandit.... but the ones the hospitals have are slightly different. It has a soft panel on it where the Velcro will attach, and that's about 10 inches long. The belt is about 9 inches wide, because it covers from your pubic bone to nearly your breasts. The rest of the belt is elastic. You hold the soft panel over your belly/incision area, and have someone help you pull the belt on as tight as you can stand it. The belt supports your abdominal muscles while you're healing, and helps them firm back up into place when you're no longer healing. You'd think you could use it as a girdle or something, but it really doesn't hide size that much. lol. The only annoying thing about it is that it rides up in the back and you occasionally have to pull it back down over your hips/butt. You wear it under your clothes.
  • Thanks for the info:)
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