? about movement at 38 weeks
I haven't experienced any strong jabs or kicks. I don't see any foot or hand prints. Is this normal?? He moves quite a bit but I don't feel anything like I see other women around this gestation complaining about... It makes me wonder I'd he'll be functional.
I would go with that but his movements have been the same from 34 weeks on. haven't really gotten any stronger or any different I always forget to mention it to my doctor.
that's pretty much all I feel too but I was just expecting to see some elbows and feet and hands like those people on youtube... I guess I should be happy that I'm not getting masacrated @Diverwfe
I read that too but I never had any strong kicks. Uncomfortable movements but never any strong fetal kicking or punching... he's cramped now I bet but even before he was... maybe I have a lazy baby
lol what's he like now? I think mine is a lazy one
lol ahh I can't wait to see what his attitude will be like. I'm getting so anxious Omg