worried about sleep position

edited September 2011 in First time moms
My daughter is 5wks old and she's absolutly wonderful. She sleeps 5-6hrs straight through the night the only problem is. She only sleeps in bed with me :(. I found that she will sleep in her crib on her belly, but our la maz class pushed sleeping on there back is the only way, does anyone elses new borns belly sleep? Any thought on this?


  • All my kids slept in my bed for the first couple of months until they finally started sleeping in theirs. Try wrapping her up like a buritto and laying her in bed. I wouldn't let her sleep on her belly at all. They are still to young to be able to move their head from side to side and plus you don't want her to be breathing in the same air that she is breathin out. It can cause a buildup of carbon dioxcide in the body and with little ones can cause death.
  • :/ thatswhat I had heard about sids and everything. Swaddling doesn't work and though I love having her cuddling with me but it'd be nice if she started sleeping in her own bed and swadling is not working. She just starts to fall asleep on her back and wakes herself up by jumping. So id be lucky to get 5mins in the bed by myself before she's awake in her crib crying. Urgh so much to think about
  • have you tried on her side?
    my daughter, 9 days old, sleeps best on her side
  • One of the mistakes I made with my daughter was trying to put her in her crib or bassinette before she was truly asleep. I'd let her lay with you until she is really, really out...like you can pick up her arm and drop it and she won't wake up and then try moving her to her back in her own bed. I always had to rock her to sleep til she was able to do it on her own.
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