*My babyshower*

edited September 2011 in Baby showers
My baby shower was Sept 3rd and it turned out beyond fantastic :) so many people showed up and I got so so so many gifts I'm all set for when Lana comes all I need to buy is a few more receiving blankets, a bathtub , and a high chair :) she is basically set for the whole year I got clothes from 0-24 months and I have so many gift bags filled with them! Our room is packed with presents where we can't even walk because there is no room and Alanas godmother got her this beautiful bassinet ordered from Italy ! (I'm in the us) along with so many other things. I'm so so blessed and couldn't be happier especially since I don't have a job or my own house yet. I'm so happy my baby girl got everything she needs plus money and gift cards :D I just wish I would've took more pics. I'm going to try to post pics up of some of her presents but Its guna take a while until I can find the energy to organize it maybe ill make a video of her main presents and clothes :)


Just one of my cakes but this is the main one :)


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