washing clothe diapers

edited September 2011 in Babies
I just scored 19 diapers (all in one/pocket) and 10 inserts for 100 bucks on craigslist. Now, I was against buying used (I am a germaphobe) until I saw the prices for new (then my germ morals went out the window,haha). So my question is how do I wash these to be sure they are clean for Gumdrop when the time comes? Also for everyday washing? Anyone have any ideas?? I am at a loss! Also any good tips for keeeping them from beng stinky between washings would be so appreciated! Thanks Preglies :)


  • oh i have no idea... i told my husband i would to try cloth... if possable plz tag me with good answers .... i think i might do some google reserch cause those are good questions i dont want poop on my clean clothes

  • What kinds of inserts are you using? I have quite a few gdiaper disposable inserts that just arent going to work for me--Id be happy to send them to you if you want them.
  • it just seems like such a pain! what about those services that wash them and bring some to u?
  • Don't:
    wash daily- it breaks down the fibers and the diapers won't last near as long. If you have enough diapers wash every second or third day. Make sure to rotate your stock do they are evenly worn
    Use bleach-same reasoning/if they are poop stained hang them in the sun for a few hours..since you are a self admitting germophobe once shouldn't hurt but don't make it a habit
    Use the same amount of detergent as normal wash-it clogs the fibers and reduces exorbitcy (sp)use half soap. There is a chart online ranking commercial detergents if you want I can find it for you.
    never use dreft or any type of fabric softener on your cloth diapers... you would then have to strip them and its just a pain unto the rump

    Are your diapers made with PUL? Most people recommend hang drying diapers but if they have pul as the wet blocking layer dry them in the dryer once or twice a month to tighten the stitching holes around the seams

    Tip for dealing with poop. Milk poop washes out in the machine don't bother rinsing it off your dispers. Food poop/ put a dry wipe on the new diaper every change and if baby poppa just throw wipe and poo in the toilet. Much easier and less icky then throwing it in the toilet and swishing.

    If you do find your diapers not exorbing like they used to it would be a good idea to strip them. Stripping is using a *I don't remember the amount* of dish soap and running the washer till all the soap bubbles are gone. . . It takes a while.

    19 diapers and inserts is a bit more then a full recomended load size, but I wouldn't worry just go over your diapers the first few washings to make sure they are clean enough for you.

    Hope this helps
  • Ok so I would wash them in bleach and your regular soap and then use baby soap. :)
  • im going to add that they sell a sprayer that attaches to the water line of the toilet. You can just spray off the poop. Im going to a cloth diaper call on saturday. Add me on fb and ill share the info with you! bowsbynicole@aim.com make sure you tell me you the cloth lady lol
  • Sun drying is your best friend!!:)))))
  • @sophiasmom11thanks for the websites. I am going to go check them out. Its our 4thkids kiddo but first w/ cloth, so I have lots to learn :)

    @mandac10 anything I learn I will share. I got tons of great tips in this discussion :) I love pregly :)

    @cupcake22 I am definitely going to have a rinse bucket nearby. Apparently if you rinse in water and vinegar the smell is kept to a minimum, so going to hope for that :)I. Thanks!

    @CaptainMorgaine the diapers we got are Kushies. She actually threw in a whole roll of disposable liners too. So I think I'm covered. I looked at the gdiapers though. Wondered if they were any good.

    @momof22be I am definitely going to bleach them once before we use them, I am such a freak about germs. But they actually smell really clean and have no stains. So I should not freak out about it I guess. :)

    @Mrs4c I am going to sun dry when I can. Living in OR it may be a little difficult, but I am going to have hubby hang a line for the good sunny days. I know the sun does amazing things for stains and germs :) thanks!

  • @Proudmommy8789 I will add you todaya. Thanks so much! I appreciate it :)

    @beaded_bunny you are awesome! Thank you so much for all the tips. I will probably bleach once, just for my own reassurance, but seems like bleaching isnot only not necessary, but not a good idea. You gave me so many good tips! I could hug you!! :) I feel much better about it now. I live in OR so we will be switching from hang drying to dryer drying. Think that should help. Thanks for the stripping tip too. I have read not to use too much detergent /cleaner on them. But had no idea I could save them if I did. YAY! You've been a great help! Thank you, thank you, thank you :)
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