when are you going to/did you tell your boss?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
My boss is an ass, and he went off on me today like he's the hormonal one. I burst into tears and went home early and now I'm debating telling him, hoping he will take it easy on me. I'm only 5 weeks along. My husband and mom think this will backfire. Thoughts??


  • I told my boss as soon as a got my proof of pregnancy letter. Gave her a copy. She was more excited than me. She also announced it to everyone last week with my approval. I was nervous for no reason. I think the sooner the better.
  • I told my boss immediately. It was early but I wanted her to hear it from me. I also work in law enforcement, so there are more arrangements to be made in comparison to the usual job :)
  • I told my boss last week, and was taken off the schedule completely this week.
    So basically until further notice I have no job. So be careful.
  • I told my boss right after I found out but I have a great boss. The following week he called me and told me his daughter in law just found out she was pregnant too.
  • Legaly they can not do anything to your job or position. I told mine right away because I was sick and felt he needed to know incase there were any issues. you can tell him that your not ready for others to know, but just wanted to inform him due to dr apt and possible sickness and things..
  • @kmose77 I did exactly that and have no days this week...
  • @ashes I'm really sorry to hear that. If you have an HR department you should talk to them. I just told my supervisor last week and she was super excited. I haven't told any of my co-workers, but plan to when I show a little more.
  • You can take that up with your HR or someone! That is illegal. They can not treat you different for being preg.
  • my boss asked me directly.... lol! so no announcement needed....
  • I told her at 5 weeks have a team leader n a house manager who's excited cos two of us pregnant :D she was brilliant done risk assesment always ringing askin if everything ok x
  • My boss is gay and 50 years old and has very different opinions on babies than most people. I almost feel like he would feel betrayed...
  • @ kmose77 & @edubsbaby the problem is I work at a gamestop and our sales and reserves have to be a certain number. Everyone had one day a week and had no reserves and poor sales. Our area manager told the general manager to cut hours again....that's their reasoning anyway. Supposedly they are cutting one person each week. I have to wait until next week to see what happens.

    This new job as a server is really my only hope....my school was at capacity so I only got one class this semester. So wow I feel like a loser! But I've only ever served so I'm hoping this job goes well
  • I had to tell my boss right away because I work on cars and now I can't do some of things that I could before...he was very understanding and he's hoping I come back after the baby is born
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