belly button problems

edited September 2011 in Premature Babies
i didnt really think anything of it before, but looking at my daughters belly button, it looks like the top part is like a bubble kind of. not infected, its not a different color, but it just dont look/feel right and my mom said it could possibly be a hernia so now i'm flippin out! cus my dad just had surgery for a hernia n that sh!t was not good! oh god! i'm scared! and cus she goes to the native reservation clinic she cant go til her 2 month appt n i really dnt wanna bring her to the hospital if i dont have to. if i could figure out how to add a pic to discussions i have a pic of it.


  • ryleighs is like that on the inside. I was worried at first but now its starting to look normal.. hope u figure something out.. good luck :)
  • My babys belly button looked like that too for a while after the stump fell off. It eventually went away on its own.
  • Umbilical hernias usually correct themselves and drs usually wont do anything about them until the kidddo is older. One of the 14 week old twins I watch has one.. it was huge 2 weeks ago when he started daycare, but has gotten better. Don't freak unless it seems to cause baby pain.
  • My son had a slight hernia and it corrected itself. My dr said if it causes any pain to go to the ER. Also he said you should be able to push it in and then move your hand. I think he said after 2 or 3 years they will do surgery because in babies most of the time it corrects itself. My fiances gma always told me to make sure hes pooping regularly because that can be a sign too.
  • Umbilical hernias are different from the hernias adults get. My daughters stuck out until she was almost 4. They were going to correct it if it was still there at her 4 year check up. But it corrected itself. Don't worry, they are really common. I know she had a hard time with getting her cord to fall off too. But in the end she has a cute belly button. Its not as deep asothers, but not herniated either. Your daughter will be fine too. Just be sure to mention it at her well child check ups and they will watch it. It if seems painful for her I would have it checked out, otherwise waiting for her 2 month check up should be fine. :)
  • Yep, sounds like an umbilical hernia. I was told they are more common in preemies because there is less room in their tiny bellies for their intestines. My son (born at 29/6) had one. He's two now and still has an outie, it's a flat outie, but there's still a bubble. Like @maymommy11 said, pay extra close attention to her pooping schedule because a sudden change (less or no poop) could indicate a blockage.
  • Oh, and my son's pediatrician told us to put the diaper over it to help push it in.
  • i would just make an appt. the native clinic i went to had a payment plan for cercumstance when they get sick or they need to be checked..
  • thank you everyone...youve definately put my mind at ease #:-s
    @mommyo3soon2b4 @maymommy11 @cicelia @Math_Mommy
  • Your welcome :) make sure you mention it at the next dr appointment.
  • My preemie is 4 months now. At first I thought she had a hernia. Now it looks totally normal.
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