Emerie Leigh is finally here! :)

edited September 2011 in Birth Stories
On Friday, August 12, I woke up at 5 with some back pain. Shortly after my husband got up to get ready for work and left at 530. So like always I tried going back to sleep but the pain wouldn't stop so I went and took a bath. At about 7 I finally went downstairs and made some oatmeal and watched tv. Around 830 is when contractions started. At first they weren't that bad but they got closer together and a lot stronger so I bounced a little bit but had to stop it hurt too bad. I texted my husband and told him I may need to go in. At around 11 I called him and told him to come home and that we needed to go to the hospital. After gettin out bag finished and out the door we got to the hospital at 1130. They put me in triage to monitor me. After 2 hours they decided to keep me because after some contractions her heartbeat would go down a little. Plus I was only 2 days away from my due date so doctor said close enough. So the nurse gave me my iv and then I got put in my room. At around 230 I couldn't handle the pain anymore and shortly after my nurse comes back in and says I can get my epidural (finally). So I got my epidural and was still at 3 and a half cm and 90% effaced. About an hour later they checked me again and I was a good 4 so the doctor decided to break my water. At around 530 6 I was at a 5. The nurse came back in at 8 and I was still at 5 so she said she'd come back at 10 and if I was still at 5 they'd talk about doing pitocin which I really didn't want to do. So I took a little nap before she came back in. At 10 she comes and checks me and I'm at 9 and a half!! The doctor was busy with a c section so it'd be an hour before she came in. The doctor didn't get to my room til 1230 1245. And that's when I started pushing. At 1:18 am on August 13 Emerie Leigh Merklinger was born weighing 7 lbs 12 oz and 20 inches long!! She's so beautiful and I just love her so much! This has just been an amazing experience. And my husband did such a good job especially since he started getting sick that morning. Right when she came out and I heard her crying I started bawling and they put her on my chest and me and my husband just looked at eachother crying. It was amazing! I would just like to thank everyone on here!! I have learned soo much about pregnacy and labor and delivery from pregly. I usually didn't comment very much but I read a lot. What I think made me go into labor was bouncing on an exercise ball and having sex (tmi lol). I got the idea right here from pregly. Again thank you ladies, your all amazing! I have pictures of Emerie on facebook, idk how to put them up on here so if you have me on facebook you can see otherwise you can add me, Tracie Merklinger. Good luck to all of you on your pregnancies and to those trying to conceive!


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