keeping me on my toes!

edited September 2011 in Babies
So me and hubby decide to give lil booger butt (i know weird nickname lol) a bath tonight. Everything there goes super smooth in and out and smelling like fresh baby! We pull him out and wrap him in his towel I carry him to the nursery to get his jammies and diapers. I lay him down and uncover him and HOLY CRAP LITERALLY! POOPS EVERYWHERE! All over his legs and feet half way up his back. Needless to say he went back in the tub cuz that was easier than wipes. Oh motherhood.
What's ur Lo done that u could have went without for that day?


  • Went through 4 outfits in 1 day! Pooped on the first, peed on the second and threw up on the third lol
  • @lily_glz lol I've been there before too! It's the constant laundry that gets on my nerves, I just laugh when he does it except in the middle of the night and I'm super tired lol.
  • Got hiccups for almost an hour at about 2 am and threwup all over me and her little bed :( gotta love the smell of putrid breast milk lol
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