how do i get rid of my babys hiccups?

edited September 2011 in Babies
Please help! I feel so bad for her.


  • I can usually change position and it helps. But I try to just enjoy it and know that it doesn't bother her, and is actually a sign of lung maturity, so we kind of celebrate each little hiccup. Guess I don't have any advice to get rid of them, sorry! It's kind of cute though :)
  • Hair of the dog that bit her. I put mine back to the boob and it does the trick.
  • Some times when I drink water it baby gets them daily
  • Oh ok thanks for the info :) I feel horrible watching her with the hiccups. I thought it bothered her. I guess ill start enjoying them :)
  • My Dr said a feeding will help. Just like if you get them and drink water the baby drinks milk.
  • I just realized that your not pregnant anymore
  • Oh duh...your not pregnant. Sorry. I guess I REALLY don't have any advice. Haha

    Actually, give her a bottle or boob. Letting her eat/drink something will help.
  • It really doesn't bother them. I know I also used to sit my babies up and burped them. It would help stop them. But it doesn't bother them, it is cute, even after they are born :) Just don't try scaring her. My brother did that to my son when he was tiny (he's 10 yrs old now). It didnt help and all it did was make him have hiccups and cry like crazy. He is such a mean uncle, haha
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