Finally home!!

edited September 2011 in Giving birth
So Thursday my doctor we would have to induce because my blood pressure and babies heart beat were way too high. He had wanted to send me straight to L&D from the appt but was very thankful that he at least let me go home and prepare as much as possible.

So Friday morning. I was a panic. We were supposed to be there by 7am but we ended up getting there around 730. While we were putting things into the truck our dog ended up throwing up all over the place. We assume it was nerves as both daddy and I were a box of nerves. Me more so than him lol. So we finally go up there. Right after I got into my room I had a panic attack. I was so afraid of everything happening. Things changing so much and I was afraid of the labor. Dh talked me through it and made me feel better. At around 830 they started the Pitocin. They steadily increased it throughout the day.

By about 9pm they informed me they were going to have to stopped the Pitocin drip because apparently my body was becoming too used to it. The contractions were still painful but they didn't come often enough. I had only managed to dilated from a 2 to a 3 in 12hrs. I did manage to efface to 100%. So they told me they were going to have to stop it till morning so I decided to go ahead and take the Demerol to try to get some rest. I hadn't wanted to and hadn't anticipated having to have it stopped and started again. So I took the Demerol.

At about 10pm I started going into hard labor. I regret taking the Demerol because I was so drugged up I kept falling asleep in between contractions which was terrible because I couldn't concentrate on them. I ended up wanting to get the epidural which I'm still a little sad about. Well the lady took 45 minutes to get there and then she had told me to lean over and make a c shape with my spine and it took her 20 flipping anesthesiologist was a bitch. I could cross my legs properly because my legs, ankles and feet are so swollen I couldn't make them stay. So She starts griping at DH since my legs weren't crossed as much as she wanted. So he told her to come and do it herself. So she came and did it but my legs were starting to uncross because of the swelling.

Anyways, long story short. I finally got the epi around 1140pm. It has long enough to numb my feet and start making the contractions not so bad. I still very very very much felt them. I was telling the nurses I needed to push and they were like no you can't push the dr isn't here. I was like I have to. Well I fought pushing which was rather unsuccessful. The dr got there and within him being there 5 mins I had her. If he had been literally 5 mins later I would have had her with a nurse. He said it wasn't the fastest delivery he had ever done.

My little Lillith Elizabella Culbreath was born 12:02am 9-3-11! She was 7lbs 3oz and 19 1/2 inches long! She is the most amazing thing ever. When I was pushing she was crowning and the nurses were like look at that head of hair! In my head I was like Really1? I can't look there lol.


Her going home out fit! =)


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