Today is my dd! Yay! I don't know if he will show up today but it can't be too much longer now. Who else its due today I know their are a few sept 6 mommas?
@kellyjellybelly@mylittleluv_11@e_n_j@mom2be you are not giving me hope here ladies tell those babies to get out I have decided its mind over matter and I am gonna use my incredible will power to get him out! How far will your doctors let you go over? @emy today is cool with me. I don't want joey to have to share his birthday with 9/11. @britt21 thanks we need it! So many overdue preglys.
@mylittleluv_11 ah at least there is an end in sight. So do you think the latest she would induce you is next Tuesday? My doctors appt is today and I can't wait to here what they say.
@socialMOMMA2boys I dont know I hope before then because my blood pressure keeps creeping up so she doesnt wanna wait to much longer. But I dont go to the dr until 2morrow morning so im very anxious on what she has to say!
@2ndbutfirst@momof22be thanks girls! I picture lil preggo fairies spreading glitter everywhere. @mylittleluv_11 tag me in an update when you find what she says. I am so excited to go to the doctor in an hour I think I am getting pretty close over here. @gatorbob yay! Maybe lil man is trying to give you and hubbs a day to recover and enjoy your few last childless days. Are you gonna crazy family round two after baby?
@color_pink0923 haha how dare they lie to you! @mylittleluv_11 my doctor scheduled me for a nst on Thursday and I will be induced on the 14 she and I both don't think I will make it.
Thank you @mrs4c
@emy today is cool with me. I don't want joey to have to share his birthday with 9/11.
@britt21 thanks we need it! So many overdue preglys.
@mylittleluv_11 tag me in an update when you find what she says. I am so excited to go to the doctor in an hour I think I am getting pretty close over here.
@gatorbob yay! Maybe lil man is trying to give you and hubbs a day to recover and enjoy your few last childless days. Are you gonna crazy family round two after baby?
LABOR DUST TO US %%- %%- %%- %%- %%-
@mylittleluv_11 my doctor scheduled me for a nst on Thursday and I will be induced on the 14 she and I both don't think I will make it.