Finger tip.

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
So I'm 29 weeks and went to my normal dr appt. I told him I had some bh & leaky boobs. He said lets look. Lo and behold he says that I'm thinning already &dialated barely a finger tip. He then did a more intense u/s measuring Noah & saying next week come in. He didn't say worry but I am. Noah needs to cook more! Anyone else have this this early?


  • edited September 2011
    I'm not as early as you, I'm 34weeks today... but at my 33week appt my dr checked my ceervix & I was a 'finger tip' as well. My dr said it was nothing to worry about though, a fingertip is like 1/2cm & therefore you're still practically closed? Also, if you've had babies in the past, she said it was normal to be a 'finger tip'.
  • Iv been 1cm an 30% effaced since 25 wks. My dr put me on progesterone shots and bed rest. Iv made it to 37 wks today!!! Today my dr said I was very soft, 1 1/2 cm and we r hoping she holds off til my c section next week. Drink lots of water an rest an hopefully ur baby will stay put.
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