My maternity leave is SO NOT boring at all for me!

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
So many people tell me that as they wait for their baby's arrival during maternity leave that they're bored as hell. Sooo not for me. I always have some kinda cleaning, dusting or organizing project to work on every day. Even preparing my son's scrapbook & adding finishing details to the nursery takes up time. Luckily time is going by super fast! I'm just anxious about the arrival of my son! :-)


  • Can't wait to begin minds on the 16th. I just want to catch up on my rest.
  • edited September 2011
    I agree I'm enjoying every minute of it!! I needed to relax and I love that I can actually sleep in. The hardest part will be when I have to go back to work X_X
  • I'm enjoying my leave as well but its mostly because my hubby is on vacation as well. Everyday we find fun things to do even if its just sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn watching a movie I'm always having fun when im with my hubby!
  • Aww I'm jealous, I will be working up until I deliver but I kno I will enjoy the time after baby is born to bond, I can't wait!! Enjoy ladies!
  • @MistyLou @JuliansMommy Yea it's great having to be able to rest in between my addictive nesting :-)

    @mrsSilver Aww that's s great your hubby is also on vacay. At least you are never alone just in case yanoe! How far along are u? My BF is taking a month off right when I pop lol. But he is always checking up on me now bc I've been having contractions for weeks & he can't stand leaving me alone lol.

    @MissQ_1stTimeMommy2B I thought about working until a week before I pop lol but I need time to prep myself & organize the house more haha. Plus my job was getting stressful. So did not wanna stick around longer. :-)
  • edited September 2011
    Ive Been On Bedrest Since i Was 29 Weeks & This Is So Not Fun Anymore. At Firstt i Absolutely Loved It ! I Cantt Wait To Go Back To Work :) Im Tired Of Seeinq All These White Walls, X_X
  • @GregorysMommy OMG why were u on bedrest since 29wks!? I'd go crazy too lol. I'm glad I left at 3wks prior to my due date. Random contractions at work was not fun haha. When do u go back? :-) Did u have your baby already? If not, when is your due date?
  • My Leqs Were So Swollen i Could Barely Walk, Hubby Had To Carry Me In 2 My Appointment. Was Havinq Contractions 4 Minutes Apart But They Eventually Stopped. Doctor Didnt Think It Was Safe For Me To Be Workinq & Drivinq Home ! I Wntt Go Back Till November? No Nott Yet :-(( My Due Date Is In 2 Days & i Will Have My Induction Saturday Niqht ! I Justt Cant Wait Anylonqer.
  • @RizzyChicky I'm being induced tomorrow
  • I'm jealous! I'm working till baby comes! >:p
  • I'm so jealous :-( I'm working until I pop, bd keeps telling me if it gets too hard I can quit since I'm on my feet at work all day, but I just started getting more hours and we need the money, so I'm just gonna tough it out, I'm not due until November 11!
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