Measuring 2 weeks behind ??

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
My measurement today was 36 and I am 38 weeks. What does that mean?


  • As long has baby is healthy just means small baby. My baby is a week behind and just small cause im tiny
  • I know this is probably a dumb question but does that in anyway affect when he will come?
  • Is your fundal height measuring behind? I was 33weeks last week but I measure 29cm, so I'm measuring small... but at my last ultrasound my baby was measuring only 1wk behind so I doubt he's that small. If it was something to worry about your Dr would let you know. 36 isn't far from 38 & measuring your uterus can't get an exact measurement of your baby anyways, the baby's probably just a little smaller.
  • My baby measuered small also I was like 3cm behind. I had a small but very healthy boy. I had him at 39+1 and he is almost 12 wks old. And now he is up there with height and gain weight jus like he shud. No need to worrie unless the Dr.'s r.
  • Just means you have a small baby. And thats not always accurate.
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