sleep wish i could get some

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I feel uncomfortable and having back pain..ladies to u feel me...


  • I do.. N I get sick at nite also
  • I always wake at 2-3 AM and don't go back to sleep because of a pain somewhere or morning sickness :(
  • I go thru times where I sleep really good and times I can't sleep hardly at all. I couldn't sleep much last night but I go for my appt to find out what im having today so I think its just being anxious. I feel like a kid waiting for santa on christmas. Lol
  • Aww first time mommy it is really exciting to find out. I'm have a lil girl named Ashlynn Renee. She had one leg over her head and the other going straight down! She's mommies lil flexible girl....
    To Ashley10 I'm so sorry about you getting so sick both u and lwoods. I have not had any morning sickness and I'm almost seven months... u have to get a boppy pillow and back support its amazing. I don't have as much pain anymore. They both not cheap but amazon has them pretty reasonable... thanks for all ur response ...
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