All taped out!!

edited September 2011 in Breastfeeding
Ok ladies I need to know if it's just me or what? My little man is 18 wks old and I have breast fed him since the day he was born. I pump while at work and daddy gives him freezer back up and simalac on the side. As of latly my milk bar, how do I say it nicely, has DRIED THE FRICK UP!! I'm just having a hard time to adjusting to bottle feeding. Exspecialy since he still gets up to feed at 1am and 4 am.. I miss just being able to just have it "ready" if you know what I mean. Is it just me or am I being a pain in the butt?? :(


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  • I go to work at 5am so I feed my Lo from my breast before I go. Them I pump again around 8am then again around 12ish. Then I'm off at 2 and my Lo eats when I get home and the rest of the day and night is on demand. It's just of latly thers not been anything there to pump. I drink plenty of water ive even started drinking mothers milk tea. And taking fengugreek. It litletly takes my breast all day just to get 2 ozs... :(
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  • @caffeinated_katie yep sure have nothing working. Are breast feeding? How old is your Lo now? Like how u changed your Pregly from decaf to caff. Cute! I need to change my nic now, can i do that from my cell phone?
  • Are you breast feeding? Is what that is to say...
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  • Good lord I hear ya. I believe my caffeine intake, and stress being back to work and stressing about money may have something to do with it. It just sucks though.....
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