i have one last shot ***update as of 4:47 mountain time***



  • @lmelanson thanks Hun and don't worry I already let u test that out lol :))
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  • Oh good grief! I hope all that poopin is for a good cause. Sending more labor dust!
  • U poor girl! I hope this works! Losing ur plug is a step in the right direction!
  • @justkirarenne thanks ;) I hope so too lmao :))
  • @mgrose I really hope so the funny thing is hubby accidentally pulled it out after he checked me lol I could have died laughing his face was priceless :O :0&
  • Lmao! My hubby probably woulda thrown up!
  • @mgeose he almost did he was gagging away he said it should have come with a warning lol
  • Aw your poor fanny!! Lol use baby wipes!! Losing your plug is a good sign though!! Good luck hun :)
  • Aw your poor fanny!! Lol use baby wipes!! Losing your plug is a good sign though!! Good luck hun :)
  • Oops!!! Lol stupid phone!
  • @starrxoxo9 thanks Hun I hope so I'm sure it wasn't all of it
  • Well hopefully the plug is a step in the right direction. Good luck hun, don't give up.
  • @momof22be that sucks but I'm glad you lost your plug. Your lucky hubby will check you mine won't go any where near my cuca, he says he is scared to touch the baby. hopefully you will see some progress soon. ;)
  • @fallen5 lol yea I think it wasn't his first thought he was pretty grossed out
  • Oooh! Sound like progress to me! *fingers crossed* :-)
  • Im keeping my eye on this post <3
  • Loosing ur plug sounds like good progress to me (:
    Keep us updated!
  • Woohoo hey that's progress losing that plug ur atleast thinning maybe even dialating! What were u at ur last appointment? Keep giving it ur all!!!
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  • :0& aww your poor hubby!!! LMAO :-)) but your a step closer....now do the squats and walking and drink that tea!!! I guarantee it will help!! %%- %%-
  • Don't give up good luck!! If we have a third child I would like a vbac too
  • edited September 2011
    @ourlittlenugget thanks Hun
    @sunshinelove ill keep you updated
    @mzcastillo I hope so
    @shayshay I was 70% effaced and a fingertip dialated but I've been that for a week and been in labor and my doc said I should be progressing but I'm not that's why she said to do the c section but yes I really hope the plug means something. :) thanks for your support mama! I hope I've thinned and dialated. :)
    @mama0811 hey girl how r u? I hope so too
    @mamato2boys I know he was tramatized lol going walking now and I will get on that tea tonight I'm going to my grandmas and she has some so ill get some from her I hope it works. ;)
    @mama2fn3 I really want this I just don't think I can be in labor too many more days
  • In my first pregnancy I was in labor for weeks progressing ever so slowly my midwife considered going from 50 to 70% progress not to me. finally at 39 weeks I couldn't take it anymore I was literally going crazy because of the pain. I begged n pleaded for my midwife to please do something anything she broke my bag of waters had to walk n do nipple stimulation. But about 7 hours later I had my princess in my arms. She wasn't low enough my midwife said to put the pressure on my cervix n pelvis to get things going enough but breaking my water surely helped! With my second again I started in labor cramping n contracting for 2 weeks. I tried everything to help it along but nothing moved it. I couldn't see my mw again so I was stuck with a doc who was horrible rude. He didn't wanna do anything to help me along so I went to the hospital due to bad nausea n vomiting n pain n I got lucky to have a super nice sympathetic nurse I was only a loose 2cm but she told my doc over the phone I was about 4 I was having ctx I had been for the past 2 weeks so he gave her the ok to admit a little after the ctx died down like usual she called the doc asked if they could start pictocin he agreed but it didn't do anything for hours I stayed at a "4" I had em break my water and 3 hours later I had my little boy was in my arms! My husband almost had to deliever him because the nurses didn't believe when I told em it was time. Sorry my storys are so long I just want you to know someones been down that horrible road and its no fun. I know the pain! And I know the feeling of this is it after all this pain it must have done something, to only be let down and hear nope your still at a 1:( I'm going thru it again now. That's why I really hope you get ur delievery its such a rewarding feeling. Don't give up ma people are praying hard for you. Push your doc to try alternatives find that strength don't just settle. Good luck imma be praying extra hard for you!!!!
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  • edited September 2011
    @shayshay thanks Hun got your story it truly inspired me to ask for help I was just at walmart and lifted my leg to put it up on the cart and a little gush came out and now it just comes out little very little so I called my ob office and they said docs not in today and they think my water broke so I'm waiting for hubby and on my way to l&d yay! I hope it did break and this isn't just another "small rupture that will repair itself"

    @everyone going to l&d docs office thisnks my water broke yay!
  • Yay!!!! Keep us updated!
  • YES!!!!!!!! :D :D :D Good luck mama!!!!!! :D
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