No Morning Sickness = Boy? Lots of Morning Sickness = Girl?



  • I have 2 boys....sick wit both....I have 2 gfs who each got so sick they needed zofran one had girl one had boy so I don't think there is any correlations
  • they say if your eating habits a year before pregnancy was good that you have less of a chance of getting sick. I was sick as a dog with my first (girl) and I remember eating fastfood and everything before her cause I never had anything to worry about being only 20 but after my diet changed trying to keep the weight off after I had her. Now this is my second pregnancy and I don't feel anything just tired. All last year I had great eating and exercising habits. So I think you still can't tell what is what... Lol there is nothing like a great surprise on your 4 months. I applied for a boy 8-> ;-)
  • Im having a boy, and was so sick in my first trimester, to the point where I was constantly going to the hospital for IVs of fluids.
  • i was sick with all three of my boys now im prego with my lil girl n no sickness at all
  • I was sickly with all 3 but most sick.this time and its a boy. Guess I blew that theory
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