Let's talk about diapers



  • @Caiti5 Lmao I mean a bunch Hate my phone sorry
  • Ah! Lol its ok...autocorrect! Happens to me alllll the time!
  • I watch my niece for a living n my mil uses huggies on her when we are at her house n my sil uses parents choice. I prefer the parents choice myself. The fasteners stick better n they tend to hold a lot. Not to meantion they're cheaper.
  • @Damiens_Mommy parents choice is from Walmart right?
  • I am having huge issues with pampers I have always been s hugged user but at my shower I got tons of pampers I am using them but every time my son shits it comes out and its not super runny. The smell of pampers after he pee smells like clay and it gross's me out its like a cat box. And to top other all off after one tiny pee they seem full so u change them and it turns out the diaper is dry. All in all I'm a huggies girl and that's it.
  • I'm having issues with pampers too! I also got a ton at my shower. They sag after one pee, they leak, and the gel inside to catch moisture comes out and gobs up all over my daughters privates. And also the newborn ones are too big and have to be rolled over. Mind u my newborn is an 8lber...so she's not small. I personally am a huggies user as well
  • edited September 2011
    I've heard Walgreens brand is good too. My sil stocks up when they have a sale. She even gave us some at the baby shower.
  • I used pampers at the beginning (because that's what they used at the hospital) but really didn't like them... I then used huggies supreme or regular huggies the rest of the time (he was pottie trained at 3) I loved huggies supreme... this time I'm having a girl so we'll see if they work for her too
  • @2girls_1boy they are the only diapers my daughter wore that don't leak. I tried everything else.
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