huge snag in potty training grr!

edited September 2011 in Parenting
Our 3 year old gianna had been doing SO good with it until my fil and his hoarding wife (vent coming soon about them!) came to 'visit' 2 fridays ago. And by good I mean dry all night and day!! They stay and boom peeing in bed every night :( I can chalk it up to the severe tension in the house while they were here but they left this past Saturday and still its every dang night!
I have even gone as far as cutting her having any drinks off MORE than 2 hours before bedtime. We've taken her in the middle of the night to pee and without fail she still wakes up soaking wet! The worst part is after changing her I let her sleep with us-mostly cuz her bed is wet however there has been a few times it wasn't (I have no idea how) and she will stay dry the whole time. How or why is she staying dry in our bed and not hers??? The few times her bed has been dry and I've put her back in(after a potty trip which amazingly pee comes out) within 2 hours she's back soaking wet..ahhh!
I haven't slept decently in almost 2 weeks..between being woken up and then having hardly any room in bed with hubby her and the bump-seriously she yelled last night for me to move over when I was already on the edge lol
Anyone else go thru this back tracking? Should we give it some more time or cave and put her in diapers at night?


  • Heres a bump... You should buy a plastic cover for the mattress. My brother peed in his up until 11. The doc put him on some peeing pills for a year and after the he hasnt since hes now going to be 21
  • @proudmommy8789 thanks..I'm flipping exhausted..I've been up since 1 and wound up watching tv till 5 because layiin bed either my butt or bump was hanging off the edge which hurt my lower back :( this sucks!
  • We had that after we moved, she had been staying dry all night and then she just wasn't. I put her in pull ups, but its been a year and a half and she's still in them, so i'd use them as a last resort.
  • @laura536 oh noooo! Ill hold off longer than. I'm glad she's not peeing in my bed but I wish I knew why its her bed and not mine :/
  • Have you tried putting the plastic underwear over her
  • We back tracked after we brought the baby home. My daughter was going on the Potty multiple times throughout the day, she still had a few accidents in her diaper but now she won't go on the Potty at all... I don't know what to do
  • She may not be sleeping as soundly in your bed. I think that might be the problem with my daughter, when she goes to sleep she is OUT. It's super hard to wake her up for school in the mornings, so I think she's just not getting the signal to wake up. Before we moved, there was a street light out side of her window, and her daddy worked a different shift and was noisy in the middle of the night, so she slept less soundly.
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