Belly sleeping baby??

edited September 2011 in Sleep
My little girl is 2 weeks old, and we laid her on her belly (in the frog/fetal position, knees and arms tucked underneath her) for a nap this evening, and she's never slept better! I literally had to wake her up to play with her for a few hours so she would sleep tonight. And even then, she wouldn't wake all the way up til I laid her flat on her back. Then she just got pissy. lol. Before we let her sleep for several hours on her belly (we used to only let her have sparse, short naps this way), she had no issues sleeping in her bouncer or carseat (yes, I know... shouldn't let her sleep in the carseat, but I put a thick blankie under her to cushion the buckles and stuff, and she slept better that way. She won't sleep flat.). But now... now she's in her bouncer because she only slept for about 45 minutes on her back. She's been in the bouncer for 30 minutes and she keeps stirring. She did *just* fine on her belly earlier for the 3.5 hours she slept.... would it be bad if I put her on her belly to sleep again after she gets up and eats some more? :(


  • Two weeks is too young to be sleeping on her son loved sleeping like that too but I would not let him till he was older.. At 2 weeks a baby would not be able to lift its head up
  • @myHEARTZx3 See, though, here's the funny thing... she's been able to lift her head up on her own (back or belly) since she was about 40 minutes old. The nurses told me she had only been in the NICU for 15 minutes before she was lifting that head up and looking around. Her head is smaller than it should be (microcephaly), and I guess it's just easier for her. And she can scoot up my belly if I lay her belly-down. She starts with her feet in my lap and in about 60 seconds she's nuzzling my neck. Idk, to me she just seems really strong for her age. I've had many people comment on how strong her grip is, and how well she holds her head. -sigh- I just dunno what to do. I don't want her to get hurt, but I want her to be comfortable.
  • @jtmoon98 I'm not 100% sure I'm a light sleeper, so cosleeping might not be a good idea til I know for sure. I don't have any problem napping with her, because I lay perfectly still when she's next to me, but idk if I'd wake up to her not breathing or something. Choking, grunting, cooing, random noises: yes. Not breathing: Not so sure. But honestly, I'd love to cosleep with her.
  • If you have a minute, google Dr. Sears + cosleeping. I love his parenting philosophies in general, but his research and conclusions on cosleeping especially make sense to me.

    Both my kids slept better on their bellies. My son, a preemie, slept in his carseat until 2 months (age adjusted), then on me (in a recliner, secured w/ blankets and boppy) until 6months (age adjusted), then on belly in crib in our room. My daughter, full term, slept on me til 2 months, then on belly in cosleeper...where she is right now @ 5 months!

    For sids prevention, back sleeping is best. But, there is also a whole list of other prevention tips (most of which you are probably doing already). As a mom, you have to make many important choices for your baby. This is just one, so gather as much information as you can. Then, do what you feel is best for your little one.
  • My 7 week old has been sleeping on his belly for awhile now. Like your Lo, he has been able to pick his head up and move it from side to side from day one. He hates his back and won't sleep there 10 mins.
  • My daughter sleeps on her belly much better than her back. She will only sleep on her back for about an hour but will sleep through the night if she's on her tummy
  • All babies sleep better on their bellies. Thats why they tell you to keep them on their backs. If you put them on their bellies they may sleep too deeply and "forget" to wake up or to breathe. Also, until they can roll themselves over, if they get their faces stuck they aren't able to roll back over and unstick themselves, so they could suffocate.
  • my little girl also sleeps amazing on her belly and really good on her side. id say if your going to be there to supervise. go ahead and let her sleep on her belly
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