Any Sept Dads out there?

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
Are any guys gaining weight or having issues with prego brain? I can remember anything these days. Just wanted to know if I was the only one having sympathy issues. Thank, Sept_daddy_11


  • My fiance is right beside me lol but makes me do all the talkin. Were expecting our first on Sept and I'm about ten weeks. He has gained 10 pounds since we found out and looks more pregnant than me. It's pretty adorable although he isn't too fond of it. When r u guys due?
  • We are due 9-28. This is our first too. I have trouble sleeping too. My wife is doing fine and I'm falling apart, lol.
  • He works 3rd n never sleeps well but he's just as moody as I am don't tell him that lol but he's also great. He has helped out a lot with money and getting me to my appointments . Where ya from. Were from Indiana/ohio we live on the state line
  • We are from NYC. I never miss an appointment and don't plan to. We have been making them so we both can be there to check up on the baby. We both work in the AM so I get home and cook so she can relax and sleep. I love taking care of her. I would have it no other way.
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