38 weeks today and still nothing ;(

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
My doctor was supposed to sweep my membranes but my baby sits sooooooo high that she couldn't do it ;( ..... Leaving my appt I'm feeling very discouraged . Tired of walking sex ect # almost pissed after today I'm not doing a thing besides laying down and sleeping , nothing really works .I guess its true what they say babies come when there ready ;( and with my luck ill have to be induced


  • Aw im sorry hun :( I had sex alot and finally at 38w6d I dilated 3cm out of nowhere. I was induced though bc of pre e.
  • Same for me but I'm 37w, after my app. Yesterday I was so discouraged I layed in bed the rest of the day. Relaxing our bodies might help us! Good luck hun!
  • I feel the same ill be 39 tomorrow and he won't come I tried everything but castor oil I been 3cm for 3weeks but now I'm 75% effaced. My doctor tells me every week that he wont see me next week cus ill have him by then but look I still haven't had him.
  • Im 38+4 & Still No Baby :(
  • 39 week today and nothing...not even a fingertip...my due date is next thursday and ind on the 22
  • I'm 39weeks4days & only 1/2cm dilated :(
  • I'm 38+2 been 2 cm 70-80% and -1 for almost 2 weeks...I'm so frustrated my Dr keeps saying the same thing...prob won't see u next week and I'm still prego...was supposed to sweep my membranes this past Tuesday but was running behind so he pushed it till this coming Tuesday :-(
  • Ladies ladies ladies!! Your baby is not finished cooking yet!! You are not done until a) you're past 42 weeks b) your waters break or c) baby starts labor on its own. In week 36-42 there is major brain development that is crucial to their well being :) Don't rush!! Everyday your baby is inside is the best thing for them (unless you have a serious medical concern of course)
  • Woww didn't realize that I am not alone , just want to be freeeeeee and breath and walk not waddle lol .... And of course see my baby . Babys do come when there ready however I wish she was ready now haHaha
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