doc says baby is big...scarred hes gonna b too big to deliver...advice please...

edited February 2011 in Second Trimester
Doc says baby is measuring big for 22wks...I'm freakin out thinking he's gonna be a huge baby and I won't be able to deliver....but how acurate are ultrasounds when it comes to predicitng weight and height? Please please please comment...


  • Dr told me with my youngest that she was gonna weigh over 8lbs, so i requested c sec and at the end she ended up weighn almost 7!! Ugghghhh i dont believe in that anymore
  • That's what I'm afraid of...they r gonna cut me open for no reason ...and he's gonna b small like my first....idk if I should listen to them or just have him naturally like I planned
  • edited October 2011
  • I would plan to go natural and then if it wont come out they will do a c section.
  • I was told I was having a big baby and my son weighed 8 pounds 1oz I had him naturally with epidural of course! I don't think that's really big compared to my nephew that weighed 10 pounds. My doctor told me I was having a big baby based on my body size 5'3 95 pounds pre preggo. I personally think 8 to 8.5 pounds is healthy not big. I would ask how big do they expect it to be? And if there was any question as to when your last period was you could be further a long then original thought I still to this day think I was wayyy overdue with my son!
  • My sisters Dr told her the baby was easy over 10lbs at 38wks.. she waited a week and then scheduled a c-section and had her baby @ 41wks and she weighed 9lbs..something just doesn't add up there with babies packing on the lbs the last few weeks lol... I wouldn't be afraid.. your body knows what you can handle @luvmyson you've got this girl!
  • My bf was 10 pounds and his mom had him fine and she was little like me I'm 5'3" my aunt had a 13 pound all natural. I was 8pounds my mom was a bean pole. I broke two of her ribs I guess I ran out of room and put my feet up under her rib cage. Also I would watch the movie the business of being born lots of docs don't wan to wait around 16+ hours for u tohave a baby. Its like a restaurant the more people u get in and out the more money. U make....
  • I was in labor 23 hours before they did a c section. My baby was 8lbs 10oz. They told me in the beginning if he was 8lbs or larger I had to have a c section, but I guess they didn't know he was so large. Scheduled c section next!
  • Well these past two.times at the ob they have tape measured me two wks bigger than I should be. They told my SIL that was going to weight 8 and a half pounds. But turned out to be just 7 pounds and 5 oz or something. So normal size baby
  • Don't let those doctors scare u I know people who deliever ten pound babies don't freak out just think of your baby as being very healthy
  • Maybe ur farther along then u thought good possibility. They thought I wasn't as far as I was but baby is measuring accordingly. As far as the weight I wouldn't trust it. They told my cousin her baby was over 8lbs n gave her a c section her son weihhed 6lbs 8 oz
  • You're only 22 weeks....they cant really tell *exactly* how much ur baby weighs....just be glad that your little angel is healthy and developing fine....a healthy baby means a healthy's better to be a big baby and healthy instead of not being big enough and assured that you're doing everything you're supposed son is over average in the weight department too, but i'm not worried cuz i know that he's getting all the nutrients he needs.....don't worry :) :p
  • My husband and I were both 9lbs and both of our parents deliverd naturally well they both had epidurals lol
  • My doc told me my son was gonna be average sized not huge not tiny. I delivered 2 days before my due date. He was perfect no complications but be was only 6 lbs 10oz and 19 inches. He was in preemie clothes for like a month. I don't think the docs have the best technology right now if they are off on the weight so much all the time. So try not to worry too much. Your babys probably not gonna be as huge as your doc is thinking.
  • I was told with both of my boys that they would be big. Dr said the ultrasound can be up to a pound off in either direction. At 26 weeks they estimated them to be at least 5lbs. I delivered at 39 weeks with both of them and my 1st was 8lbs 3oz 2nd was 8lbs2oz. Most dr's will induce up to 2 weeks early if ur havin a big baby.
  • Yeah at 20 wks Tha baby was measuring at 1 pound. I just figured i'll have a big baby. My husband was 8 and a half pounds and 22.5 inches. I was 7 lbs 13 oz so yeah she just might be a big one. But the dr. will make sure that baby.comes out one way or another!
  • My doc said my oldest would be 7 lbs and was 8 but she was right on my other 2...all my kids were 8 lbs 9-11 oz
  • My oldest was huge...8lbs 11 oz and 24 inches long he came out just doc said I have a open pelvis which makes it eaiser to deliver bigger babies.
  • Dr guesses are often off by a pound or more. Your body is made to stretch and make room for baby to come out, even your bones. My advice would be to wait, and try to have your baby vaginally, its so much better for you and baby. If baby IS too big, they can still do the section. I recommend watching the business of being born on netflix as well. Don't let the dr scare you. Everything will work out!
  • I told my drs starting at 8months preg my baby was too big it was my 4th baby n all other 3 were 8lbs,8.4 and 8.11.they did ultrasound n said its either exactly on point or a pound off which can go either way up or down.they measured me also n said baby would be around 9lbs when born I said no way I know my body n this baby is bigger.I was in so much pain I couldn't evn move,sleep,eat wipe myself.I went to hospital after he was 4days over due n told them I wasn't leavin until they took him out.they induced me it was the worst experience ever and he was born 10lbs with an epidural and it hurt and I soon as the baby came out dr said WOW HE'S BIG!I wanted to kick her in the throat.this time my dr promised me she wouldn't let me go overdue and she wouldn't let me have to give birth to a 10lb baby again I guess well see...
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