I'm feeling rather defeated

edited September 2011 in Depression
I feel like I have complained a million and one times on here, but I just feel so hopeless right now!! I Want to cry!!!
I am 40+2 (which was just switched last week when the due date was august 30). Because this girl didn't come on the first expected due date of August 30, doc says "well, you haven't gone into labor yet, so many the Sept. 6 date was correct." ~X(
I got checked Tuesday at my appt and doc says I am 1cm and very thick- then stripped my membranes to which she comments it almost broke her finger- but she stripped it all the way around. oy! She tells me she really thinks i will go on my own within a couple days. I was scheduled for my NST and AFI today (amniotic fluid check) and all looks good. Don't get me wrong- i don't want anything to be wrong, but for the love of pete!!! I want her out! The tech says to come back Monday for a repeat of tests and my appt is Tuesday. Doc did say Tuesday she would schedule an induction, but for real now. I feel like a mess!!!! :((
I was so depressed and upset last night i sat and cried and just wanted push on my stomach to get her out- no joke. (i would never do that, i know the health risks involved)
I have been eating all day long, and a lot. and I just can't eat enough! I am still very hungry and nothing sounds good enough to eat, which depresses me even more.
Thanks for reading :-S


  • Awwww! You're so close. You can do it! :ar! «-- supportive pirate
  • Omg, what frustration! I'm sorry ur having so much trouble. The last few weeks are always the worst. Idk if it helps, but when you have ur little one u'll instantly forget all this. ;)
  • thanks! I am just so run down. and it doesn't help that i think both of my older kids are getting sick! AND my parents had to cancel their vaca for me, since we have no one else to watch the kids for us while i am in hospital 1 hr away. granted, they scheduled their vaca AFTER knowing when i was due.
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  • >:D<
    thanks ladies! *sobbing* [-O<
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