I would LOVE some cleaning tips.

edited September 2011 in Parenting
So, Daniel exploded in his car seat today. Poop EVERYWHERE, except his diaper of course. Ive already taken the fabric off, drowned it in Resolve, and thrown it in the wash. But Im at a loss as to what to do with the seatbelts...has anyone gotten stains out of seatbelts before?


  • I've not had to deal with poo stains yet... have you tried the resolve on them? Good luck.
  • I oxiclean everything! Got chocolate out of my car seat upholstery :-)
  • Oh my gosh. I know what you mean. I used club soda on the seatbelt when I had the same situation a few weeks back. It seemed to help. I was lucky...most of it was just on the cover..
  • lysol wipes are fabulous!
  • Oh man. When does their ass start exploding??? My girl is 5wks. Her butt sounds like its exploding, but its not enough to go everywhere yet lol.
  • @starrxoxo9 it can happen at any time really. even when my kids didn't have a blockage to their bum (in a car seat, sitting up....something blocking their hole) they would explode like crazy. ohhhhhhh i remember many many of times changing them several times a day because it would go up their backs- sometimes even in their hair!!!!
  • @survivormommie3 eww!! Lol so when do they grow out of that???
  • i would say a few months old. i think my kids were done exploding for the most part about 4-5 months
  • It was so gross...yellow and goopy. We've had blowouts before, but never this bad.
  • We were out to eat and he exploded in the resturant high chair... It was horrible and embarrassing. It stunk so bad. Looking back its super funny. I hope cupcake doesn't do it in public to me!

    I would also recomend oxy for poop stains :) good luck!
  • @natashalynn, do you just poor the soda on?
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