I accidentally bumped Bentley's head :(

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
Earlier, I took Bentley out of his carseat and was getting into the front seat of the truck so I could breast feed and whenever we were getting in, I hit the back of his head on the little handle you hold onto above you head. It sounded like it hit hard but he only cried for like a minute and then he was fine. Fed on both boobs, and has been fine ever since, just crying because of gas pains a little. He is 2 days shy of 8 weeks old. Do you think he's okay since he didn't cry long and everything? I felt soooo bad :'( @HomeBirthAdvocate should I still be concerned?


  • Any vomiting or excessive sleepiness afterwards? Is the spot swollen or does it sink in?
  • @Babynewyear2012 it was like 3 hours ago and he slept like 30 minutes after I fed him, woke up for a while, fed him again an hour and a half ago and he's been asleep for 30 minutes now, still sleeping but this is his normal time to sleep. No throwing up and no bump on it.
  • He is probably fine as long as you can wake him easily. As long as his sleeping pattern is normal. If anything changes take him in. I dont even want to think about what he could be around in the ER though....yuck germs! You have my email if you need help, I am not far away!
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  • @HomeBirthAdvocate lol that's what I said when he stopped crying so quickly. I was like yep, knew you didn't hurt that big ol' noggin too bad Haha.

    @Babynewyear2012 thank you girl! :)
  • ...I dropped my cell phone on Daniels head once. He just kind of whined, but I cried for about an hour.
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