Question for my Eping mommies

edited September 2011 in Breastfeeding
Hello all my lovely pregly ladies. I have a question for the EPing moms out there (Exclusively Pumping)... or any women who pump.

I read a few nights ago that a "low supply" could actually be caused by swollen nipples obstructing the flow. But that wasn't the case for me. My daughter latched onto my right side last night for five minutes (she doesn't latch often), and boy it was quite itchy while she nursed! But ever since then, I've been getting maybe half of what I used to... and barely half of what the left (also larger) side gets. Before she nursed from that side, I had no problems... I noticed that ever since then, pumping was quite painful. So much so, in fact, that I have only pumped four times today (5 a.m., 2 p.m., 7 p.m., and 3 a.m.). Then when I went to get into the shower a few hours ago (before the 3 a.m. pump), I noticed that my right nipple was quite swollen, close to twice the size of my left. I'm guessing my shield might be too small for that side (which makes *NO* sense)... but my question is:

What can I do to make the swelling go down as quickly (and least painfully) as possible?? I need my milk for my daughter, and I can't get it out with a swollen nipple! During the earlier pumpings, I could press on the full glands and get it to come out during pumping, but at this last one, I couldn't get anything out. :( I'm hoping that doesn't mean that my breasts think I don't need any out of that side! I was barely getting 3-4 oz in a 24 hour period of time... I don't want my supply to dwindle further. :((


  • My sheilds were the wrong size with my son so every pumping was a practice in pain. My nipples would swell up to the size of the sheild, which was more then double their natural size. I couldn't do anything about it at work *they would eventually deflate on their own* but when home if I could get him to latch they went right down to normal.
    Since your problem didn't start till after she nursed that doesn't help you at all. Umm thrush maybe? Any cracking or white spots on your breast or in her mouth? Have you tried alternating cold and warm compresses? Still in touch with an lc?
  • @beaded_bunny no, I haven't noticed any signs of thrush, but I did notice a yeast-like rash on her butt. However, the angry red splotches went away after two tub baths. Buuut... the itching and swelling is somewhat reminiscent of a yeast infection. And I *was* given antibiotics during the c-section... and I'm pretty sure I might have a yeast infection myself cuz of the antibiotics... hm... but no cracking or white spots on my nipple/breast, no. I'll definitely call her pediatrician tomorrow and see what she says.

    And yeah, my nipple itself doesn't swell to the size of the shield, but the areola does. It'll go down on its own, but its tender. I hope the larger shield works.. I only have 3 sizes and already moved to the middle size (27). =/
  • @jtmoon98 I know what you mean. >< it is depressing for me, too. =(
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