Uh OH! *Update!* Im in early stages of labor!!



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  • Whoa....I've never heard anything like this before...I've read that 36 weeks is full term for twins....or maybe it was 37....my doctor says its not ok to have baby before 39 weeks because of brain and lung development...I'm so confused now...I want my baby now!!! If shed come out ok...no, not ok....perfect!
  • @nicoleok87...I dont know how true that is as far as the brain and lung development. I guess it can be true in some cases, But I had my daughter at 38+1 and my son at 37+5 both perfectly fine. Maybe he wont induce before 39 weeks. But I don't think he would stop labor at 37+ weeks....
  • My drs don't stop labor after 34wks.
  • Hmmmmmm.....maybe I've been very misinformed! This calls for more research:-)
  • In Kentucky, you have to have mature amnio for lung maturity to deliver until you are 38 weeks because the lungs are still not fully done. i would try to wait as long as possible to have your baby. The baby's brain develops most during weeks 35-40weeks, so the longer the better... At 36weeks, babys are still in the Nicu a lot. My sister had hers at 37 and he stayed in NICU for 6 days because he wasn't breathing on his own all the way and her pregnancy was perfectly healthy and their was nothing wrong with him- just too early.
  • edited September 2011
    Exactly!! @lindseynicole96 that's what eveything I find says. Also that 37 weeks is full term @cristinalynn and even then a lot are really underdeveloped lung wise...my doctor is mostly concerned about brain development he says a lot happens between 37 and 40 weeks that won't happen after baby is born:/ so if u can't help going into labor Nd some women just arent able to carry their child to full terrm I guess...then by all means go into labor!!! However I will not be trying to help things along until 39 weeks:D
  • @nicoleok87 I was always told 36 weeks is full term just like @MarinesAngel my dr induced me at 38 weeks with my first and a different dr induced me at 37 weeks with my second :-/
  • I'm getting induced for medical complications and reasons at 36w6d tomorrow and my the NICU doctors at Good Sam in Ohio are still pretty concerned about the brain development.
    @nicoleok87 yeahh, that's exactly what I've been told. Brain development is mainly the last 3-5weeks of pregnancy so I would try your hardest to put a cork in there and hold the little bit in!!!!
  • My kids were both born at 38 weeks and perfectly healthy, both well over 7 lbs. I was never induced they came when they were ready.
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  • @marinesangel yeah I have those apps too. Plus like 6 other ones! LOL
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