
edited September 2011 in Babies
Does anybody elses baby ever wake up screaming and terrified? My poor baby will scream (not cry, but SCREAM), and when I pick him up he just clings to me. I have to hold him close and rock him and tell him its alright.. :(

I had really bad night terrors as a kid, but my mom said it didnt start until I was 3 or 4. Do you suppose this sort of thing is genetic?


  • Wish I could help. But am curious.

  • It makes me so sad, he shouldnt have anything to be scared of.
  • I did read an article that babies remain on REM( which is when we dream) a lot longer than adults or even young children. I know that doesn't really help but at least it explains why he is dreaming just not why it is scary stuff. Poor baby.
  • I recently watched a dream documentary that said often babies have nightmares and they think its a natural thing built into us as a basic instinct to deal with things that could happen to us as humans... like the falling feeling. Does that make sense the way I put It's so we can learn to fear the basic things we should.
  • Hes probably dreaming about obese people wearing miniskirts then. His subconscious is telling him to BE AFRAID. BE VERY AFRAID.
  • that is a good ? my oldest son would do the same thing when he was a baby and one time i stayed at my moms house and this nightmare thing happened and my mom gave me a long stern lecture (old wives tale) to never leave your baby in the dark! NEVER! lol she scared me enough that i never left him in the dark after that and ....welll his nightmares stopped moms reasons were that supposedly because baby's can c angels as well as other spirits good and bad...the bad ones are in the dark and they want to take over the innocent souls.......i know it sounds kinda...well i dunno but man i didnt want him having nightmares so i kept extra lights on instead of just one little night light lol.........I always thought it was funny how babies fall asleep suckin their lips and then smack their lips and had a nightmare that he ran out of milk is what i would say lol..
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