Zaydyn Eugene Glenn!!!!!!!

edited September 2011 in Birth Stories
due to high amounts of pain killers I can remember exact times. with that being said lets strt this story: 840am I arrived at the hospital got hooked up to my ivs, blood and urine sample givin. 930am: doc comes in breakes my water and inserts an internal hb monitor on my baby boys head as they were having a hell of s time trying to get him to cooperate. 935am im 2cm and 50%effaced! 1010am first dose of fentenol and boooooy I felt great!!! 1125am it wore off!!!!!! I get another dose. 1145am 2dnd dose is starting to wear off and I order my epi (by this time contractions are back to back and fierce!!!). 1155 am anesthesiologist comes and after 1hr of trying to insert the epi it was ibt n!!! o+ sweet relief!!! I slept off n on til bout 645pm I was awoken by hella contractions, my cervix was complete and the pushing began. 720pm zaydyn eugene glenn arrived with a head full of dark hair weighing in at 8lbs 11.6oz and 21in. 755pm I was wheeled into the o.r. for my tubal the process made me puke 835pm I was done on my way back to my room.

ok ladies its 445 im dead tired will post pics later on today!!


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